Tough morning.

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Charlie pov:
I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I looked over to the opened window to see that the sun was up and I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I grabbed my phone to check what time it was, it was already 7:49 AM but I was still tired. I looked at the notifications on my phone, Tori had texted me last night but I just ignored it, so it was best if I texted her back now.

You haven't come home yet, are you staying at Tao's??

I felt a ache in my chest when I read Tao's name. I really had screwed up our relationship all because I had to go to sleep. I was so stupid, Tao was supposed to be my bestfriend and I wasn't even there for him. I decided to just read the most recent message.

Charlie, seriously where are you? I texted Tao and he doesn't have any clue where you are.

I'm staying at a friends house for the weekend.

I lied in response and there was immediately typing bubbles that appeared on the screen. I got nervous, how was I meant to explain that I ran away but got caught and I'm now staying at some guy in my form class's grandparents house. That's when it hit me. Nick literally said that he might have a crush on a guy last night. I tried to act casual but the problem is that I kind of, maybe have a crush on him and now he has a crush on someone else. I felt my phone buzz and I snapped out of my head to read the text message.

Who? Tao already told me that none of your friends know where you are.

It's a friend they don't know. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon, I promise.

I turned my phone off and grabbed a change of clothes from my bag to get changed into. I walked into the bathroom that was across from our room and I looked in the mirror while taking my shirt off. God, I hate the way I look so much. I'm just so useless, no one will ever like me. I threw my shirt over my head and changed my jeans to another pair that looked almost the exact same as the ones O was previously wearing before putting a oversized black sweatshirt on to hide the frame of my body. I sighed before going into the kitchen to see Nick's grandpa, grandma and Nick cooking breakfast. The smell reached my nose and I felt a wave of nausea through my body.

"Oh, hey Charlie!" Nick said, getting my attention. I smiled but I still felt really sick and the urge to throw up was taking over. "We're almost finished making breakfast, you can just sit at the table and I'll bring you the plate." Nick said and I swallowed before sitting down at the wooden dining room table. I really didn't want to eat but how could I tell them that though? What if they thought I was just being rude. Nick came over to the table and placed two plates down, one in front of me and the other down next to me, where he sat down. He started to eat the food and I just stared at the plate, there was bacon, fried eggs and toast, that looked good, but I just couldn't think about eating it without wanting to throw up. Nick's grandparents sat down at the table with their own plate of food and started to eat straight away. Nick's mum came out of the bathroom and smiled at us before grabbing her plate and sitting down as well. My anxiety started to get unbearable as I shakily picked up the fork and started to play with my food. I saw Nick give me side glance and I started to sweat and struggle to breathe.

"Are you not hungry kid?" Nick's grandma asked me and I just shook my head. Nick looked at me worried but I just smiled at him and he went back to eating. After everyone finished eating, my plate was still full but no one seemed to be that bothered except for Nick.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" Nick said and I started to freak out. I nodded and he grabbed my hand before freezing up and immediately letting go, walking into our bedroom. I walked into the room after him and he closed the door behind me, there was awkward silence and I sat down on the bed waiting for what he was going to ask. He sat down next to me and I tensed up. "Uh... It's just... It's just I've noticed that you haven't really been eating." He said and I looked down at the ground. "You can talk to me. I just- you didn't eat dinner or breakfast and I doubt that you ate lunch yesterday, and I'm just... I'm worried about you." He said and I was on the verge of tears. I didn't even know how to explain it, and I didn't want Nick to have to worry about me.

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