Nick's house.

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Nick pov:
Charlie had lied to me earlier in form class and I was worried as to why. He told me that he had to get home because he had a friend coming over that he forgot about but when he said it, it just sounded like he was anxious and then he lied about it being fun. I didn't want to be all in his business so I stopped talking but I didn't trust a word that he said. After the finally bell rung, I made my way towards the front gate when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." He said and I knew straight away who it was. I can't explain the reason as to why I got butterflies when I heard his voice but I was starting to get worried about the crush I had on him. What if he accidently finds out and then it's awkward between us?

"Charlie? Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked up at me with shock and nodded but I noticed that he looked anxious or upset. I was about to ask him about it but he cut me off.

"Sorry, I have to go." He said and pushed pass me. I stood there confused until one of my friends came up to me.

"What did you do to him?" He asked in a mocking tone and I scolded him. "Anyway, we're going to play rugby at the field. You coming?" He asked and I just shook my head before going in the direction that Charlie was walking in. I wanted to see if he was okay because it was weird that he was going back into the school. He walked into the music room block and I heard distant talking that I couldn't make out and then when I walked closer I felt my heart sink. There in the room was Charlie making out with Ben Hope, so he was dating someone? I guess that explains why he was acting weird when I brought up the person that he supposedly talked to last night. I saw Ben push Charlie up against the wall and that's when I decided to leave, I shouldn't just stand there and watch them make out. As I was walking back out of the block it finally sunk in, Charlie was dating someone. Which means that he definitely didn't feel the same way towards me. I was almost out of the earshot when I heard something that made me freeze.

"Stop, please." Charlie said. Once I finally realised what he said I immediately turned back around, walked into the room and grabbed Ben. I pulled him off of Charlie and pushed him away from us. He glared at me and then to Charlie and I felt disgusted. Charlie looked at the ground and I wanted to punch Ben in the face but I didn't.

"He told you to stop." I said and he just stared at Charlie again, so I pushed him back more. He looked like he wanted to rip my head off but I wasn't in the mood to have a full on fight, especially now that Charlie was here. "Go on, piss off." I finished and he swore but walked off and out of the building. I turned to face Charlie who still had his eyes on the ground. "A-are you okay?" I asked and he just stood there and nodded. "Are you sure because I can always tell someone about this." I told him and his eyes widened.

"No! Please, no." He told me and I just stared at him. Why was he being so defensive about this? "I'm sorry." He said and I felt somehow worse.

"You have nothing to be sorry about." I told him and he just swallowed. "Um. Do you want to come over to my house today, and we could hang out?" I asked him and he finally looked up at me.

"I don't want to be a bother." He told me and I sighed. It feels like we are back at square one all over again and he doesn't know how to talk to me.

"You're not, I promise. I have nothing to do this afternoon, so it'll be boring without some company." I told him and he slowly nodded. I wanted to know what happened between him and Ben, sure, but I also wanted to make sure that he was okay and felt comfortable around me. I gently grabbed his hand in mine, which I immediately blushed to, and we made our way out of the music block. At this time everyone already left the school, so it was just us and I made my way to my house. The whole walk was quite and it reminded me of the second day we talked to each other and I walked him home after he fainted. Once we reached my house, Nellie ran up to me, so I petted her and then she ran over to Charlie.

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