Author Note

790 13 5

First of all, I want to say thank you all so so much for all the support on the story so far! When I started this, I didn't expect you guys to enjoy it as much as you are and it really means so much to me. All the comments are so incredibly meaningful to me and I can't thank you guys enough.

Second of all, I'm so sorry but I've been really busy with school and I might have to start posting every second day rather than daily. I will try my best to post as much as I can though!

Also, I promise the story will start to get happy! There has been a lot of angst so far but it's going to start looking up from this point.

So, thanks so much for everything! And I appreciate you all so much.

If you want to, you are free to give me any request for what you want to happen later on in the story, and I'll try my best to add it in.

- Shay :))

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