A New School

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-Sullivan' Castle-
Nagisa's pov

It's been a month since I came here to the netherworld. Grandpa and Opera have been teaching me the basics about the netherworld like the types of magic, their language, ranks and to avoid the animals and plants, but mostly I'm just trying to slowly get used to being the grandson of a demon and living here in the netherworld

Grandpa also was spoiling me everyday with gifts and was coddling me as well, but I don't mind. Maybe, it's because I finally have a family that loves me... Don't get me wrong I love my parents but my dad was mostly out of the picture and my mom was strict and controlling... So dont at me when I finally have a parent that actually makes me happy

I also found out that I have some of my grandpa's features as well like his eyes, scent, smile and magic. I can do magic but I don't have wings, tail or horns. Grandpa said I can learn some flying magic at school. He also said that I don't need to worry about demons finding out I'm half human because I have some of his features mostly his scent and eyes. And that most demons have human-like appearances and a birth defect about demons not having wings

I also took notes about them as well. Like how I got my grandpa wrapped around my finger and how I can tell what opera is feeling from his ears and tail

So after a month of fun and laughter, grandpa said that school will be starting tomorrow and that I need a goodnight's rest to start the day
I started to stir awake, as the light was shining at my eye

I sat up and stretched the sleepiness away, rubbing my eyes clean from some morning glory

I got ready for the day and put on my new uniform that was given to me the night before then went to go eat breakfast

I sat down at the table and grandpa greeted me in his sing-song happy voice "Goodmorning~ Nagisa~ kun!"

Then opera greeted me "Good morning Nagisa-sama!"

I greeted them back then started eating like I havent eaten in days since the food here is really that good
"Ah~ I'm so happy! My grandson's school ceremony! Photo, photo! Nagisa-kun stand over there, there!" Grandpa said pointing to the sign

I went to the sign that read "School Entrance Ceremony". I know the netherworld's alphabet but it's still hard for me to understand, write and speak the language so grandpa helped me by casting a spell that makes me read and write the language but to me it still looks like hiragana

We took the picture with opera in it as well then grandpa went ahead of us to do something leaving opera to walk me to the school

As the school came into view, opera left me to do some house chores before saying "Have fun on your first day, Nagisa-sama!"

As I looked at his retreating figure getting lost in the fog, I started walking towards the school as demons were flying in the sky towards it

As I approached near, I saw kids who were talking with their friends, some demons of all shapes and sizes, a group of students who were greeting the students and telling them where to go and what looks like a normal human entrance ceremony but instead of humans think about demons

I went to the gates with my head held high and a smile on my face until I heard said "Oi, you!"

I turned around and saw a white and black haired demon with glasses and horns, and a look of seriousness on his face looking at me while holding a clipboard

"Yeah?" I asked with a smile

"The auditorium's that way." He said pointing to where the auditorium's direction was

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