Explain Yourselves

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Karma's House
Narrator's pov

Karma quickly grabbed a knife and pointed it towards the three demons and said "You three have only the count of three to explain yourselves before I castrate you and shove your dicks up so far up your ass that you would be limping for the rest of your lives."

"We'll explain ourselves... Just put the knife down. No one has to get hurt." Henri tried to de-escalate the situation only for Karma to get more violent

"Look here, Red head. I'm not playing games, either tell us who you really are or someone is getting stabbed." Karma said.

"Karma-kun, let's not commit any murder today. We should just hear them out and not kill them or else we won't know anything." Karma's classmates tried to reason with him but they were also a little but afraid of getting in his way

"This didn't happen with Nagisa-sama. Are you sure you are a professional at this Henri-san?" Opera said

Henri didn't rebut Opera's words and said to the group of teens "We can't explain ourselves to you when there's this many people. Since what we have to say is for your ears and your ears only. Why not let your friends wait in another room. While we talk in private."

"Hell No! Who would be dumb enough to be alone in a room with three adults that could try to kidnap me. I would rather have my friends stay where we have the number advantage. Thank you very much. Now talk or get holes? You're choice." Karma said

"Look! It's either they leave or we won't talk. Stop being such a brat and choose." Henri said

"How about you stop being a brat and get stabbed!" Karma said

Before Karma got to stabbing people or his classmates interviening or even Henri or Opera could do anything

They heard someone shout "ENOUGH!" with authority, stopping them on their tracks

Sullivan not wanting to get this misunderstanding to go any further explained the entire story


"That's deep." Takuya said getting punched on the shoulder by Ryouma

"Hey!" "Not cool."

"So I'm half demon...?" Karma asked

"If the blood test comes out positive... Then yes, you are half demon and my grandson." Sullivan said

"... Let's get this over with. Here's my blood." Karma said slashing his palm

Shocking his classmates and the three visitors

"You didn't have to go that far just a drop would have been fine." Opera said

"It doesn't matter. Just do the damn test."

"Alright then." Henri said getting prepared


"So...? What does it say?" Karma's classmates asked, getting antsy with anticipation

Henri read the result then looked at Sullivan and said "Congratulations, Sullivan-sama. It's a match."



Sorry for not updating lately got busy at home and traveling. This three updates is my gift to you guys. Hope you had a wonderful christmas and I hope you have an amazing new year. Love you all and Bye

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