Success And An Offer

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Nagisa/Karma's pov

"H-Hi! My name is Karma. It's very nice to meet you." I said, while thinking 'WHY!!!'

I covered my face because it was starting to blush as I stood there in a girls outfit

I took a deep breath and told myself 'You already wore girl outfits a lot of times thanks to Mom, Karma and Nakamura. This is nothing compared to the other times you cross dressed.'

"You're so devi cute!" Someone in the crowd shouted making the other fans shout in agreement and making my attempts of calming myself down lose it's effect

I started covering my face again adding fuel for the fans to continue praising me on how cute I look

'GOD HELP ME!!' I shouted in my head

Then Clara started to use her bloodline magic, pulling out various items then bongus and started playing it while Azz started to perform tricks with his flame magic

The two looked at me and Azz said "Karma-sama, let's show them an opening performance they'll never forget!"

"Yeah! Yeah! Karma-chi!" Clara said jumping in excitement

The whole crowd must have heard what they said and started chanting "Karma Karma Karma" over and over again then one of the people from the crowd shouted "Play the bass!"

I put the bass in front of me and started doing a check if it was tuned in properly making the crowd go wild when I was finished making sure it was tuned, I went over to Azz and Clara and asked "Can you guys play the guitar or the drums?" to which they reply with "Yes. / Yeah!" then starts to explain how it came to be... Basically Azz's mom made him do it and for Clara she just picked it up because she likes making noise

I smiled and asked for Clara to pull out an electric guitar and a drum set and when she did that we quickly got everything prepared

I quickly said to them "Follow my lead." getting a nod from the two

I started playing my bass then started singing Francis Forever by Mitski

When we finished the song everyone was in uproar, we looked at each other with a smile for a job well done

Then it became cold all of a sudden, then ice started to form on the stage

Then we heard Kuromu come out on to the stage with a chilly yet beautiful entrance

When we were about to exit the stage because she was already there, we were stopped by Kuromu telling us to come and finish what we started

I looked at her confused but couldn't help but accept her offer because of the fans chanting as well as the manager nodding her head yes

We then started to sing Your Little Devil Apocalypse

After the concert, we went to the back of the stage and to say it was a success would be an understatement. It was spectacular, well... That's what Kuromu's manager told us anyways. We just chilled for a while with everybody backstage until Opera came to pick us up

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