Some Misunderstanding

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Narrator's pov

We see the misfits having fun in Walter Park. Having agreed to split off into teams and the winner will get an amazing prize while the loser gets double the homework

The misfits split off with their guides and Ameri to enjoy what Walter Park has to offer

Nagisa enjoys his time with his friends, making memories as the day goes by all the while taking pictures to make it last longer

Meanwhile, we see Sullivan flying through the air with a serious look on his face. Arriving at the border police office, he was greeted by Azazel Henri

"Lord Sullivan, welcome. You called early about something important?" He asked

"Henri-kun... Let's talk inside... and somewhere... more private." Sullivan said with a serious tone, making Henri shiver in fear

"R-Right away, Lord Sullivan. Come this way." He said as he starts to lead Sullivan to a more private room

When they arrived at Henri's office, he activated many spells and said "This room has been silenced. Not one word goes in or goes out."

"Good... Henri-kun, I want you to look at this." Sullivan said as he hands him a blurry picture

"A picture?" Henri asked

"I believe, I have another grandchild in the human world." Sullivan said as he took a sip of tea that came from somewhere

"WHAT?! Are you sure, Lord Sullivan?" Henri exclaimed looking at the higher ranking man in shock

"From the looks of the photo, though it may be blurry. I can see a man, a woman holding a baby in a peaceful environment." Sullivan said as he puts his cup down then looks at Henri in the eyes and said "I want to know if I really do have another grandchild in the human world."

"How do you want us to proceed with this?" Henri asked with a serious look on his face

"It took me a long time trying to find Nagisa. I don't want to look for a long time again. I want you to find a red haired boy with the name Kama. We can even ask for help from humans if we must. I don't care how we do it. I just want to know if I have another grandbaby and if so, how can I make him live with me." Sullivan said

"... Have you asked Nagisa-sama if he knows someone with red hair with the name Kama?" Henri asked

"... No... I left after he left to go to walter park with his classmates and your daughter. Don't worry I assigned them some protection, just to be safe." Sullivan said with a smile

Henri didn't say anything, just his glasses were breaking over and over again

"Henri-kun, you shouldn't do that you know. What if glass goes into your eye." Sullivan nagged

Henri got up from his seat and shouted "MY DAUGHTER IS WITH YOUR GRANDSON!?!"

"Yes, with his classmates and some protection." Sullivan said with a smile

"CLASSMATES!?! PROTECTION!?!" Henri shouted

"Yes, Op-" Sullivan didn't get to finish what he was saying since Henri flew away yelling out


-Meanwhile with Nagisa-


"Are you okay, Nagisa-kun?" Baram asked looking worried for the boy

"Yes, sensei. I just suddenly had the urged to sneeze is all." Nagisa said with a laugh

"Nagisa-sama! Here are some heat packs and a jacket, if you're feeling cold!" Asmodeus said as he hands him some stuff

"My rival, you should eat this. It warms your insides." Sabnock said as he hands him a spicy candy

"Thanks, Sabnock but I'll pass." Nagisa said as he fells the heat of the candy

"I see... More for me then." Sabnock said as he puts one in his mouth

-Meanwhile with Ameri-


"President! You have a cute sneeze!"

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