A Bad Feeling

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-Corridor on the 1st year tower-
Nagisa's pov

As I was walking back to my classroom after a reading session with Ameri, I couldn't help but look at my ring

'I already know what I want to do in the future and right now, which was to raise my rank even more but... How can I do that... Azz already told me that there will be a test for that but how can I prepare for it though...' as I thought to myself, I couldn't help but remember what one of Koro-sensei's lessons from what Karma said


"He said that an assassin that neglects his blade is no assassin at all." Karma said looking outside

"That's what he said?" I asked


"Those who can't do what they have to when the time comes for action will find their presence fading in our classroom. An assassin who neglects to sharpen his blade is no assassin at all. He's just a boastful brat swinging around a rusty sword. You forgot the other parts but you remembered the meaning at least" we heard a voice from behind us

We quickly turned around to see Koro-sensei with his permanent smile

-Flashback end-

As I smiled at the memory as I continued with my previous thoughts

'Maybe I should ask Grandpa what the tests will be so I could gain an advantage... But isn't that considered cheating?... I'll just wait for it to be announced. As Koro-sensei said "Tests are a good thing. The knowledge gained from a night of cramming will be all but forgotten once you hit adulthood. And that's fine. The experience you gain from competition, having sharpened your skills and broadened your minds all under the same set of rules? That's the real treasure." but he also said "Take advantage of what you have, while you have it."... So what should I do... I'll think about it some other time. I'll just live in  the moment for now.'

As I was busy with my thoughts, I didn't notice that I was already at the door to my classroom

I opened the door and was greeted by a green teacher. I said sorry for being late and gave an excuse, thankfully he was a pretty laid back but very hyper teacher

Then he begins explaining about interacting with familiars... Which gave me chills for some reasons

As we went to the grounds for our lessons to start, he started doing roll call and making them summon their familiars one by one

Except for Sabro, who summoned his kelbie and was now in a stand off with Azz getting the attention of everybody

As everybody got a turn to summon their familiar. The teacher called me next to summon mine but I just said that I can't, only for him to start bombarding me with "Come on summon it already." not budging he pulled out his secret weapon

"Fine then, I'll just give you a fail then." He said which made me instantly summon Kalego-sensei

I started bowing my head while saying sorry while Robin-sensei started to look at my cute familiar of a teacher, a bit more closely and hands on approach... When Kalego-sensei started to talk that's when Robin-sensei started to get excited

As Kalego-sensei was busy getting petted by Robin-sensei he started to want to change him back only for Robin-sensei to quote something from a book which I knew was a teacher's manual which was made by Kalego himself

As we did the activity with thanks to Kalego-sensei's principals, I couldn't help but feel  sad for the demon whose pride was well... dropped because of this activity

I said my sorry for summoning him, only for him to ask me why I didn't summon him back at the valley. I just said because I didn't want him to get hurt as well as the bird monster who lives in the valley

Just then a commotion coming from over to where the teacher was happened

We went over there and saw Azz and Sabro about to fight using their familiars

Only for Kalego to stop the two and started to explain to the newbie teacher about familiars

#The same happened in the anime#
-Batra Scouting Stall Area-

As I was balancing a bunch of pamphlets given to me by different batras

Then my ring started to glow and then drag me off to somewhere else, only to bump into some one

I looked up to see a demon wearing glasses and a weird necklace. I instantly felt something was wrong about this guy

I started talking to him and he said he was a weak upperclass man who runs the Magical Tools Research Batra which actually intrigues me

He then saw my ring and explained that it reacted to his necklacer which was madet from thet same metal which instantly pull up some red flags

I helped him out and we went to the room where his batra was using, I quickly joined then went to go get Azz and Clara to join my batra which was actually easy

After the day was done, I went home before going to the student council room and saying no about joining the student council. I then told Ameri to keep an eye on Amy Kirio for me but don't do anything

She asked me why and I said "I want to win the batra party as well a keep everyone safe." the  I went home

I quickly explained that I felt red flags from Kirio but to leave it to me which he reluctantly agrees

Then we spent the night watching movies. Just Me, Grandpa and Opera since tomorrow is the start of the weekends

Sorry that this was late and sorta rushed. I was just not feeling great if you know what I mean paired with a headache. Hope you guys understand. But I'm okay now. Thanks for reading this. See you all soon, stay safe and let people help you... Theres no shame in that. Bye

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