Nagisa Azz And Clara

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Nagisa's pov

As Alice-kun and I went to go grab our textbooks, we heard laughter coming from inside the room as well as things getting knocked over

"It's rowdy inside..." Alice said as he made me go behind him with his arm stretched out, as he looked ready to protect me at any moment

As we heard the noise was getting louder, we heard a voice shouting "ROLLING!"

Then the doors opened as a rolling green ball crashed into a pile of boxes, creating a fog of smoke in the process

As a box was about to hit me, Alice just hit it to the side

As I felt a sweat drop on my face, I looked at where the person crashed and asked "A-Are you okay?"

Then suddenly a green haired demon girl popped out of the pile, laughing and smiling as what she did was fun

"Hi I'm Clara! Right foot is Connor and left is Murf! My familiar's Falfal! You see I came to get my textbooks! But, I got carried away and crashed into it! Ah, here's a sweet for you! Don't you want to crash into stuff when it's piled up like that?! You do, don't you! I'll do it again so watch me, watch me~!" She said as she started to sing a weird song as she started piling up the boxes making my sweat drop

We heard footsteps coming closer making the two of us look at the non incoming teacher

"Hey, don't go stacking it!" The teacher scolded going to the weird girl piling up the boxes

"Valac Clara, she's quite known for being a weirdo. She destroys stuff and is rather troublesome, so everyone tends to stay away from her." Alice whispered in my ear

Then the teacher noticed us and left us to be responsible with Clara, literally making us float in the air, tying us up then off to the yard we went with our textbooks behind us floating as well


As we went outside, Clara started rolling around the grass while Alice wanted to leave

She then looked at us asking us to play with her calling us Nagisa-chi and Azz-azz

I just smiled and went with it playing as a tree, wind and a dog

While Azz-kun was horrified as he shouted "NAGISA-SAMA?!"

I had to persuade him a bit to join in on the fun, he played as the young next door wife who was cheating with Clara's husband making me giggle as he played it amazingly

We played for a while, one game that we laid was being chased by a book

Azz and I ran as fast as we could but he got bit in the 2 hills and a hole in the middle while I kept running, stopping as I was in front of an area where there was a heavy locked door

-2 hours later-

As we both lay on the grass panting while I was giggling like a mad man

"That was fun!" I said as I caught my breath

"I'm glad you enjoyed it Nagisa-sama." Azz said panting as well

Clara then came over to us and said "No energy?" as she pats her pockets making it glow a bit then out came snacks, giving it to us

Making me look at her pockets in wonder

She then explains to me that its her bloodline magic and what it does

Then out of nowhere we heard a voice then out came a student followed by two others behind him asking Clara for snacks and she happily complied making me look at them with curious eyes

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