Student Council President

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Ameri's pov

As I was sitting on the floor, I looked at the boy who looks like a girl holding his hand out

"Are you okay?"

"Are you hurt? Uhm..."

I felt something weird was going on inside me

I stood up in haste and asked "You! Tell me your name!"

"I-it's Nagisa." He stuttered

'Nagisa! This guy...?! Is trying to make me fall in love with him!! There's no doubt about it, this guy is a HUMAN!!' I thought myself as I grabbed his face
Nagisa's pov

'What the hell is going on?! Why does she look mad? Maybe that I bumped into her? But... I said sorry?'

"Uhm... Excuse me-" I said slowly grabbing her wrist only for her to move faster than me then grabbing my wrist

'Shit! She's breaking my bones! She really is mad at me!!'

"I really am sorry." I said bowing only for her to bow with me

'What should I do...? Why is she lowering her head, too?'

As I was thinking to myself, I saw a manga in front of me

I felt her letting go of my wrist, so I grabbed the manga before she does

I looked at the cover and smiled

"Ah- That's-!"

"This is 'Memory Of My First Love'. Nakamura let me read one of her manga's of this." I said to myself as I flipped through the pages

"This must be the first volume since this chapter shows how they first met." I said to myself with a smile

"You can read this book?"

I looked up at the red haired demoness and said "Of course. But what's the 'memory of my first love' doing in the netherworl-..."

'This is the netherworld!!!'

"Hehe. Whoops. I think this is all a big misunderstanding. How about I leave you and go on my way?" I said

I looked up at her and saw this

I looked up at her and saw this

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"You. Can. Read. It. Right?!" She asked

"Uhm... Sorry but no." I said with a smile

"T-Then, what about what you said earlier!"

"I don't know what you're talking about?" I chuckled nervously


I just smiled and said "No thank you." grabbed the mop and hit her on the face then sprinted out of there


I glanced behind to see that she was following me

"I really am sorry!" I said as I turned to another hall
Ameri's pov

'That bastard! If I get my hands on him. I'll kill him after figuring out if he can read the forbidden text!'

"I really am sorry!" He shouted as he turned around a corner

'How is this fast?' I thought to myself as I turned the corner

Then suddenly I got a chill down my spine as if I was about to be killed

I jumped back to see the small boy in front of me in a fighting stance

'What was that...?'

"Look... I don't want any trouble." He said looking at me waery

I held my hands up and said "I also don't want any trouble but I just need to confirm something... Can you read this?" I pointed at the forbidden text

He sighed and said "... Yeah... I can read it."

"Then... What does this mean?"



"Flutter flutter."

"Can you follow me... I assure you that no harm will befall you."

"How can I trust you?" He asked timidly

"I am a demon with honor. I stand by my words."

He took a second and said "Okay..."

As I started walking to a private room, I glanced behind me to see that he was following me

'He acts timidly yet made me feel like I was going to be killed... Nagisa Shiota... Who are you?'
Nagisa's pov

I followed the red headed girl but didn't let my guard down

'... It's better to assume she knows that I'm human now...'

As we arrived at a private room, she started preparing somethings

Bringing out snacks and tea... Then she gave me the book and went to sit on a chair

I looked at her confused and said "Uhm..."

"ed it..."

I heard her mumble out something but I couldn't hear it

"What did you say?"

"Read it out loud to me!"

"You want me to read the manga to you?"


I then read her the entire volume... To the point that it was dark outside since I got so into reading it to her

I looked at my phone and saw 1000 missed calls and texts

She grabbed my phone and put in her number then said "I added my number. Come here when I call you. Don't tell anyone and come here alone! Got it?"

"Sure..." I said as she hands me my phone

"What's your name by the way? I'm Nagisa." I said with a smile

"I'm Ameri."

I went back home to a crying grandpa and a happy opera. Both talking about how their glad to see me return safe

I ate and prepared for bed

As I sit on my bed, I got a message from Azz about how the stident council president wanted to talk to me about the tree I made

It was the next day and I was going to school with Azz and Clara, who were waiting for me and Grandpa was busy doing work

Opera gave me my bag and said "Have a nice day Nagisa-sama..."

(The same with the anime but instead of wanting to go back to the human world they talked about "what is it that you want to do nagisa-sama?" since they already have this talk with Sullivan back when he first came here to the netherworld)

After reading another chapter of the manga

I looked at Ameri who was looking at the manga with focus and asked "Ameri-san... What's your dream for the future?"

She then explains that she wants to raise the student's characters and make this school a great place as well as working with her father after school. But she used to plan on becoming a baker or a flourist as well

(Again the same as the anime)

"I'll ask again what is your "dream" Nagisa?"

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