Joining The Student Council

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Nagisa's pov

A few days have passed since becoming a crossdressing evidol. What happened during those few were just going to school and back. No training as of yet but I'm learning how to play the piano from Kalego-sensei

Sullivan's office
Kalego's pov

"You want me to do what?" I asked looking at the chair demon ia shock

"Nagisa became a secret evidol and I want you to teach him how to play the piano. He already knows how to play the guitar and bass. I just want him to have a wider range of instruments to choose from." Lord Sullivan said looking out of the window

"Why me?" I asked

"Don't be like that. From what I remembered your class won the music festival thanks to your piano skills." Lord Sullivan said while waving his hand

"I still remember it... I even have photos." Opera said

"I told you to delete all of those!!!" I shouted

"Yes but I printed them all before you even said it." He said with a smile

"Damn you. You red haired bastard." I said through grind teeth

"Oh! There you are again being shy." Opera said holding his cheek and looking to the side

Before I could say my rebuttal, I heard someone knocking on the door

"Uhm... Grandpa, I couldn't find Kalego-sen... Kalego-sensei?! I've been looking everywhere for you... I wanted to ask you for a favor." Nagisa said

"What is it?" I said standing up

"I heard you know how to play the piano... Can you teach me how to play it?" He asked looking at the ground

"Sure." I simply said

"Really?" He asked, looking at me in shock

"Didn't I already tell you to depend on your teachers more. Idiot." I explained hitting him lightly in the head

"Idiot? Such a mockery of my mastery should be punished... Oh! Look at what I've found... A summon paper..." Opera said with a smile on his face

"Don't you dare!" I shouted as I tried to grab the piece of paper

-End of Flashback-
Nagisa's pov

Also, Azz and Clara had a cooking competition against each other to see who was my no.1 best friend. It ended in a draw since their dishes were delicious and even more delicious when combined

Now in current times, classes just finished and now I'm running to an empty classroom, hiding the black mist avatar of the ring from other demons seeing it

We talked for a while and I found out that his name was Alikred. He then starts to explain what magic was and was scolding me about abusing him

An example of this is making him eat a lot of magic then using it all

He then explained to me what he looks like and told me to give it a try using chercille

I thought of what he looked like based on his description given to me and shouted out "Chercille."

He looked at himself in the mirror and saw his new form and got mad because of how simple it is

He then started to teach me more about magic and said I should practice it here

I did what I was told and turned my uniform into my old uniform back at my assassination classroom days which got Alikred saying it was simple

I tried again and changed it into the camo we used during the paintball war but... I had a skirt on rather than pants

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