Project E.F. And Scribbling

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Narrator's pov

We see our lovable assassin coming out of the lounge area after asking Ameri to let him borrow a specific volume of the forbidden text

We see him going back to the club room. Where he was greeted by Clara, Azz and Kirio who were doing their own things

Nagisa then started to explain what they're going to do for this batra party. His plan was simply to make a firework and make it go off when they announced that the party has started just enough to light the hellish evening sky

After explaining what they needed to do, they started working on the project which was named Operation Evening Flower

Nagisa kept a close eye on Kirio, which he didn't notice. As they worked on the project, Nagisa got to know Kirio a bit just not enough to really get to see him as a threat in like Koro-sensei's level which is more than a feat on it's own

As they worked on the project the whole day because the teachers gave them time to prepare for the party, so they can be at 100% to show off their skills and talents of their batra

The project was coming along, most likely about 45% finished, they only need now is the XXX amount of fireworks needed to set off

They placed their project somewhere safe so no one can break it or steal it via Nagisa's orders. When they asked him why they needed to do it, his answer was simple "This is the demon world. We demons tend to do a lot of this to get what we want. It's no different if they want to sabotage our project just so they can have a better chance of winning the first prize, even if we are considered to be a trash club. It's better to be safe."

Which instantly, made him get the support from them after that whole ordeal, they went home. Kirio opting to fly home leaving the three to walk home together again

As Nagisa arrived home, he was greeted by Opera asking him how his day was and Nagisa answered to him that it was great

As Nagisa went to do what he always does when he gets home is to take a bath, change into comfy clothes and play video games as he waited for Opera to make dinner but this time he couldn't help but feel something was missing but he payed it no mind and just went back to his game as Opera gave him snacks to munch on before dinner

As Nagisa continued to play the game, he heard Opera say "Nagisa-sama, dinner is ready." getting him off the game

As he went to the table, he saw a lot of food, placed the same as always but no grandpa was in sight

He looked around the room but he didn't see him. He turned to Opera and said "Uhm... Opera?"

"Yes, Nagisa-sama? Is something wrong?"

"Where's Grandpa?"

"Sullivan-sama is at an important regular meeting, held by the heroes of the demon world... The thirteen dinner after all... Well, Sullivan-sama was late to the meeting because he was preparing."

"Preparing for what?"

"The batra party of course. The parents of the first years are going to attend the party~" Opera then started to go on about explaining the batra party which Nagisa knew except for the parents coming which now that he thinks about it is actually just a school festival except you do it with your batra or club to be exact

After Opera finished explaining, Nagisa asked if Opera could tell him about the thirteen heroes. Getting a yes from Opera, he grabbed his notebook and pen that was given to him by Sullivan on his first day of school and kept it in his pocket for safe keeping just scribbling down intel about stuff

Opera then started to explain making Nagisa start scribbling down on the paper

This is what he wrote in the notebook

*The Thirteen Crowns are a group of the netherworld's most powerful and influential demons, and represents the pillar of the Demon World. They are a part of elite classification besides The Three Greats, and One Demon King

It is believed that the underworld is falling into a state of chaos since the Demon King became absent, and so the crowns try their best to organize the netherworld's peace. It is said that if one of them goes missing, panic will spread among the populace which results in further chaos.

Most often they held their regular meetings on the 665th floor of the Babel Tower.*


As Nagisa was finished eating and went back to his game with Opera now playing with him, beating him easily but was still holding back

The phone suddenly started to ring making Opera stand up from the seat and started walking towards the phone all while still playing the game

"You're walking to the phone and yet you're still beating me?!? How is that fair?!"

"I'm just lucky, I guess Nagisa-sama." Opera said as he picked up the phone and letting his tail play for him

"Hello?" He said

"Opera?" The other line said


"Yes it's me."

"Why are you calling? Is the dinner over?"

"Yes but I can't make it back."

"You can't make it back?"

"Due to some suspicions of illegal travelling to the human world. I'm under interrogation right now at the station."

"I see... So how long's the sentence?"


After some going back and forth, Opera ended the call

Nagisa turned to look at Opera and asked "Is Grandpa alright?"

"Don't worry or so he says."

"Where is he right now?"

"He is at the demon police station being question, right now."

"Can we visit him?"

"I don't see why not."

"Then can we go?"

... We see Nagisa and Opera going to the station with some food and was using the carriage after calling Sullivan and telling him about them visiting which made him felt like he was over the moon

As we see Nagisa and Opera on their way to the station of into the distance

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