To Summon A Familiar

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-Sullivan's Castle-
Nagisa's pov

I looked around and saw I was sitting on top of koro-sensei with the special knife on my hand and wearing my camo

We both looked like we had just finished a fight... Which we did and now... I'm dealing with the killing blow as it was the last day of the deadline... The last day before graduation and the day where koro-sensei said we'd kill him

I looked at my unkillable teacher and saw his huge smile as he looked at me with his said smile

Looking like he already accepted his fate long ago

As my knife was already aimed at his tie where the crescent moon symbol was at... I wasn't able to move as tears fell from my eyes

The one father figure I had in my life... The monst- no! The man who taught me so much and cared for me as if I was his own... The memories that we made together with my classmates... Why? Why can't we live together?! Why must you die? The only person I considered my parents was you... It's true that I had my mother but she abused me... Why must you die?

As my hands were shaking and my breath trembled, I felt something touched my neck

I looked to see one of koro-sensei's tentacles... I looked at him and he said "It's okay... Don't cry... I'm sure we will meet again someday either on the other side or another life... Remember this nagisa-kun... Live your life how you want to live it... Enjoy the moment and never forget the friends you made along the way... For goodbye isn't the only thing you say when you part ways... For me it's better to say see you later... And nagisa-kun, I hope I get to see you soon but not too soon, I hope... Now go and wake up. You still have school in the morning."

He said making me confused as I suddenly heard a voice calling out to me making my surroundings be all blurry and weird

As I woke up to the voice of my grandpa's sing song voice saying "Good Morning My Precious Grandson Nagisa-kun~! Wake up now and get dressed or you'll be late for school! Oh! And also grandpa has a surprise for you! So hurry up!"

"It... was only a dream..." I sighed as a single tear fell from my eye

As I lay on my bed, I started thinking to myself 'The only people I considered family were koro-sensei, grandpa, opera and my friends... I loved my mother but... She can be physical at times... Grandpa already knew about it since I told him about my past... To say he was angry is a stretch... I wonder what a mother's touch feels... She was angry at me for her husband leaving her... My grandpa already told me, my dad died when I was a baby... But I wonder what we would be like as a family?'

I shook this thought out of my head and got ready to go grab some breakfast

As I entered the room, I saw a ton of stuff piled up neatly as it was what looked like radiating a golden glow around it

As I entered the room, I saw a ton of stuff piled up neatly as it was what looked like radiating a golden glow around it

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As I already knew this was grandpa spoiling me and him celebrating my first day of school

I couldn't help but smile as I got lucky with a loving grandpa and a protective butler but still was shocked at how much he spends on me

Still I said thank you and that he doesn't have to do this all but I only got rinsed about how I need proper things and that it was his job to care for me and provide me with exceptional items... He also said he did some broidery showing his bandaged fingers making me worried for him but he brushed it off saying it was fun and it was for me

I just sighed and said "Thank you Grandpa~" making him squel in pure happiness as I said it

Not wasting anytime, he suddenly grabbed me and placed me on my seat as he snapped his fingers then out comes opera filling the table with large portions of food making me stare at shock on how delicious they looked

I ate my fill and walked to school

As I was closing in on the school, the sky filled with students flying to the school singing the school song making me shiver a bit because I was still half human

As I was at the entrance, I saw alice waiting for someone with his usual face, only smiling when he saw me

"Good Morning Nagisa-sama! I've been waiting 6 hours and 6 minutes earlier!" He said making me look at him shocked

I explained to him that he didn't have to do that as a crowd starting to form around us, we went inside the campus to go to our respective classrooms

As we were walking, I found out that first years are separated into groups for a familiar summoning which is sort of like a pet bodyguard from what I have read about and that alice and I were part of the same group

As we went to the place where the summoning was about to take place, we saw a lot of students already there, talking with one another

Until a loud bang from the door opening, silenced everyone and a booming authoritative voice said "Silence."

The room went quiet as heavy foorstep can only be heard by the professor, I think

He introduced himself as the inspector Naberius Kalego

He started explaining what was going to happen and how we were gonna do it accompanied by a cute tutorial video only for him to destroy it after it stopped explaining

He answered a question saying it was stupid and explaining why it was stupid

He then started walking towards the side giving me a pissed off side glance making me shiver as I thought 'Nevermind... He is way scarier than Karasuma-sensei.'

As the summoning started, students were summoning their familiars and kalego-sensei was grading as the summoning went on

Until it was my turn, as I swallowed my saliva, worried what might happen since I was half human half demon

Took a deep breath and calmed my nerves, I felt someone glaring at me so hard that he/she wanted to burn through my head leaving a sizeable hole there

I bit my thumb and drew a circle with my blood as weird stuff started to happen

Smoke was all over the room making others cough including me

As the smoke started to clear I saw a cute monster floating in the air while it was flapping it's small cute wings

I smiled at my success as I looked to where kalego-sensei was to see if I was done, only to find that he was not there

I looked at my familiar as it started to shout "EHHHHHHHH!"

Instantly making me say "Kalego....sensei?"


(The same happened in the anime but think of nagisa)

As I went back to school after talking with grandpa and kalego-sensei about the familiar incident only to find out it cant be undone and that we have to wait for a year or so

As I walked with alice to grab our books, we heard a commotion from the room where our books were

Alice opened the door and we saw boxes scattered all over the room as a green haired girl came out of nowhere

I was confused and wanted to ask her something only for alice to stop me

Then suddenly the girl was right up my face

"Hi I'm Clara! Right foot is Connor and left is Murf! My familiar's Falfal! You see I came to get my textbooks! But, I got carried away and crashed into it! Ah, here's a sweet for you! Don't you want to crash into stuff when it's piled up like that?! You do, don't you! I'll do it again so watch me, watch me~!" She said as she started to sing a weird song making my sweat drop

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