Student Council Days

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Next Day, School Dorm
Nagisa's pov

I was dreaming, a lovely dream... Until someone woke me up with "WAKE UP!"

I quickly sat up from my bed and saw everyone out of bed and was tidying it up

"Fold your sheets! Change into your uniforms!" I got out of bed and started to do it

"Stop dilly-dallying! Double time!" I looked up from what I was doing and saw they were already done

"130 seconds left!" Senpai said as I was still changing into my uniform

As I was busy getting ready, they already went ahead to the student council office

Before coming here, Grandpa gave me two knives since I might be fighting against demons in their evil cycle. So it was better safe than sorry as he said

I grabbed my knives and hid one on my leg and the other behind my hip. As I checked to see that the two were hidden, I quickly made my way to the office all the while tying up my hair into a high pony tail

I entered the room and quickly got in line as I thought with a sigh 'Why did it have to come to this? Why couldn't I join Clara's batra?'

I was knocked out of my train of thought as I heard Ameri shout "Who are you!?"

We shouted out "The Student Council of Babylus!"

"Too slow in forming up! Push ups!" Ameri shouted

We did what we were told as we said "Yes, sir!"


As we finished our push ups, Ameri went to inspect the room. Only to find that it was dirty. Making us clean the room until it was spotless

After that we went and did some paper work. Well... I was tasked to pass stacks of paper to the others and copy papers, since I was the rookie

Then after that hassle was exercising. Which was running with an aggressive flying demonic beast chained to you and avoid getting eaten by it. Which I passed

Then we went to the teacher's faculty room to give a report. To say they were surprised to see me in the s.u.'s uniform was well... They were shocked but not that shocked. Kalego-sensei was just glaring holes at me


After the morning period was over, Ameri literally picked me up after class to sit next to the other members of the council

I looked at my plate and saw a single bean... I looked at the others in fear, not wanting to hear

"That's all we are having for today." making me cry as I thought 'I was trained to be an assassin to kill an octopus but they didn't make it this harsh! I can take waking up early, cleaning, exercising or getting beaten up but you can't take one of the things that gives me energy. It's like basically telling us to lose in a fight where energy is one of the main factors that can help you win.' for some reason this was making me want to kill someone

"Sit up straight." Senpai said as he grabbed my shoulders to help me sit up

Ameri then started to explain why we need to be strong so that we can be a beacon to the students of babylus as she got up from her seat and proceeded to axe kick the hell out of a student who was about to attack another student


After sometime, I have gotten used to being in the council. I did things more effeciently and I get to be close with the other members as well

Western, Quechlight, Smoke and Grave were their names

It was like any other day but today I felt like something was wrong. My nerves were going balistic telling me to be careful

When lunch came, the p.a. called for president to go to room 3. I asked the other members if one of us should go with her but they quickly said that she can take care of herself

Next thing we know, the president of the broadcasting batra came to our office and said that they weren't the ones who broadcasted it. My body instantly sent alarms to my brain as we went to where president was said to go earlier. We arrived at the room and opened the doors to see Ameri lying down on the floor

We went by her side checking to see if she was okay... She's okay but she's not herself. We looked at her in shock as she seemed more cute than cool


We found out that someone did something to her. As for now we continued to do our duties but it's taking a massive toll on the 5 of us. We all agreed that we need to find the culprit and fast since demons will be trying to take the president's seat. I went ahead and texted Azz and Clara to help find the culprit

Quechlight-senpai had someone in mind, so we went to his suspect first

We arrived at a room to which we were greeted by an over the top guy

I looked at him in bewilderment and asked who he was

Then Quechlight-senpai introduced Ronove who was the leader of the discipline batra

Then Grave-senpai explained that he was always trying to find ways to take the president's seat for quite some time now

Then Ronove started introducing himself with too much glitter and lights to the point that I was getting sick of it

'This guy is too much.' I thought to myself as he then shouted out a declaration

He said that after being ignored by the student council, the discipline batra will take over the student council

We looked at him im shock as I thought 'Bitch what?'


I know I rushed this and this was because I actually am sick right now as well as college is being a bitch right now. Hope you all understand. Be safe, Be yourself and have a womderful day

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