Another One?!

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Nether Realm
Narrator's pov

"Karma-kun?!" Nagisa exclaimed, somewhat shocked to see his actual best friend here in the nether realm

"SURPRISE!!! Nagisa-chan~! Say hello to your half brother!" Sullivan in his egg form shoutedly said, jumping around the room through flowers in the air

"Please calm down, Sullivan-sama." Opera said, vacuuming right behind Sullivan

"Our Grandpa is a riot." Karma said with a chuckle

"Karma-kun... You're actually here...!" Nagisa said still in disbelief

"Yeah, found out not too long ago that I was a half demon and next thing I know, I was packing my bags, said my goodbyes and now I'm here." Karma said with a smile

"He's going to school with you, Nagisa-kun!" Sullivan said sitting on Karma's head

"Really?! That's great...! But what about-"

"Don't worry about the minor details, Nagisa-kun. We already got that covered and there's still time before school starts again. Which gives us enough time to teach him as much as we can." Sullivan said with a smile

"And if that's not enough. We could get Karma-sama a tutor and I know just the perfect demon for the job." Opera said with a smile

"Opera's been telling me all about this guy and he sounds fun." Karma said

"He really is, Karma-sama." Opera said

"Really? Who is it? Is it a teacher from Babyls?" Nagisa asked, quiet curios as to who they were talking about

"Why, it's none other than Kalego-kun." Opera said

"...Eh...? EHHHHH~?! KALEGO-SENSEI? FUN?!" Nagisa shouted0

"You know him, Nagisa?" Karma asked

"He's my homeroom teacher." Nagisa said

"Then he should be, fun trying to kill if he's your homeroom teacher." Karma said with a smile

"Y-Yeah." Nagisa said with a sweat drop


Apocalypse has ended and it was back to school again. Students flying to go to school, still high on relaxation and enjoyment while the student council was greeting them as always

The Sullivan household during the remainder of the apocalypse was filled with eventful activities even though they didn't get the tutor, they still learned and had a lot of fun

Now that school is back in action, we see the sullivan family in the teacher's faculty room, where a lot of teacher were looking at the sight of the family of 4 and a disheveled teacher

"You... Have a-another one?" Kalego said

"That's right Kalego-kun. Meet Karma." Sullivan said motioning over to Karma smiling while drinking from a juice box

Karma leaned over to Nagisa and whispered "Is this him? He looks like shit."


Sorry for not updating for a while. I was busy with life. Hope you understand and thanks for all the support. It really means a lot that people are actually reading this. Hope you have a wonderful day or night. Stay safe and Bye

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