Apprentice Test

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--- Floating Islands near Babylus (Bachiko's POV) ---

"So, I heard from your grandfather that you two need a master to help you out but here's the deal... Why should I take you two in as my apprentice? So what if you're the grandson of one of the three heroes. Who the fuck gives a shit if you two only ride on your grandfather's coattails. For all I know you two could be weak as hell. So, I came up with a solution for that..." I said

I walked a good distance away from the two kids and summoned my bow and was quick to aim at them

"SHOW ME WHAT THE TWO OF YOU CAN DO!" I shouted letting my arrows fly piercing through the sky

I looked at the chaotic scene in front of me, as arrow after arrow kept raining down from the heavens above

I laughed wholeheartedly as I saw the two kids struggling to survive

I looked up at the sky as the onslaught of arrows continued to rain down, I looked back down to see how the kiddies are doing only to see they were gone

"What?!" I looked around frantically, hoping they didn't die

I felt a shiver down my spine as I heard "Don't leave your back open like that, Sensei~"

I turned around and was able to block the attack

"Hoho. You blocked that?" I looked at the red headed one right in the eyes and saw that he was enjoying this

The look on his face was full of confidence that it made me angry. 'Who was this kid to look down upon me The Undead Archer.' I thought

Then it hit me, it was as if a snake was about to kill me. I quickly break off from our stand still, using his force to make him fall forward while I side stepped away

I quickly covered ground making a good distance from them

I saw those two looking at me with eyes of a killer

"Damn, you kids are something." I said as I felt a sweat drop

I now know why Lord Sullivan said they were diffirent. I thought this kids were still green but from the looks of things... Those two are definitely trained

We didn't move and just looked at each other in silence

I cracked a smile and asked "Did your grandfather train you or was it Opera-san?"

"In some aspects yes but mostly not that much." The red head one said

"Then who trained you?" I asked now, curious

"... Our teacher. [LAFIRE]" The blue headed one attacked, making me dodge

Only to fall into their trap, The red headed one was beside me in an instant, which confused the hell out of me

I saw a smile graced his face as he said "Hello." then kicked me right on the side with so much power that it made me skid through the ground

I coughed out blood and looked at it in shock then smiled

I felt the shiver of being killed again but this time... I'm the one going on the offensive

I quickly turned around and saw the blue one about to stab me in the back only for me to grab him by the neck and threw him, hitting his brother in the process and making them fall on the ground

I summoned my bow again and prepared for destruction

My first attack I just wanted to test them for a bit but now... Now, I'm invested in these kids. I aimed my bow at them and started my barrage

They were doing good dodging some of them but a few left some gashes on them

I pulled out my trick arrow and let it fly, hitting them and caused a smoke cloud to appear blinding them as I flew up to the sky

as the smoke settled, I saw them back to back and was surprised that they were still going


"RUN!" I heard the blue one shouted but it was too late

My attack hit them, creating an explosion as an after effect. I flew down to see what the damage was and saw the two of them were unconscious

I smiled ad I landed and went to go pick them up to get medical attention

Only for me to feel someone clinging to my legs, I looked down and saw the red one as he said with a smile "It ain't over yet." as he threw a dagger at me

I barely dodged it, I was about to hit him in the head for scaring me like that but when I turned around everything went blank all I heard was the sound of a clap then darkness

--- Timeskip ---

"-an" "ko-ha" Chiko-can" Bachiko-chan"

I woke up to see, Sullivan-sama saying my name

I looked around frantically still delirious from what had happened

"Where am I? What happened?" I asked my voice grogy

"You're at the clinic at babylus. The sun just set. We found you three knocked out at one of the floating islands. You must have trained my grandchildren hard from what the surrounding area looked like." Sullivan said

Then it hit me "What happened to the kids?" I asked

"Don't worry, their fine. Beat up but fine... Now, to business... What did you do to my grandkids...?" Sullivan looked at me menacingly

I just sighed and explained what happened

"I see... Have they exceeded your expectations?"  Sullivan asked

"To some extent, yes... I still have one more test for them to do then... Then, I'll teach them to be one of the most feared demons the nether world as ever scene." I said with a smile on my face

Hoping that this time... This time it's gonna be different

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