Evil Cycle

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Babylus Auditorium
Nagisa's pov

As the students were chanting "President Ameri!" over and over again as she won the election for student council president

Let's rewind a bit

After Ronove declared his campaign to be the new student council president, he quickly set off with his followers and started campaigning, leaving us shocked at the amount of information that we had to process but that didn't stop us from also campaigning for Ameri to stay as the president

All the while Clara, Azz and I were looking for the culprit who did this to Ameri. We first suspect Ronove but he had a solid alibi which rules him out, so we started from scratch again

Meanwhile with the campaign. We were losing badly. Ronove's campaign was all about desire  which got the majority of the entire student body to follow him. Ameri was getting second thoughts and doubts but I reassured her that she was gonna win and when she asked me why, I just simply said "It's because I believe in you."

As I continued to help out with the campaign, the investigation as well continued to do my duties as a member of the student council. To say that I was starting to get irritated is an understatement. I want to just let out my anger but I just kept it in like I always did

We were losing pretty bad with the campaign and the election is tomorrow. We only have one last chance to win and that was the candidate's last speech before voting will commence

As the day of the election came, everyone was at the auditorium watching in anticipation for the event to start

As the broadcasting batra announced the start of the event, the students went wild with excitement

The two candidates were announced and the rules were set. Ronove went first and sang his campaign, getting everyone hyped up with excitement. As it was Ameri's turn, she started out as it was barely a whisper, as she continued her speech, her voice was slowly starting to get louder until she came back

Everyone was shouting in joy as President Ameri was back to normal. She continued her speech getting more and more support from the students. After the candidates gave their speeches, the students quickly went to vote who they wanted as the new president

After a while of counting votes, the president of the broadcasting batra slowly announced who the new president was

"Our new student council president is... AZAZEL AMERI with a devi victory!" causing everyone to chant President Ameri

After that whole event finished, we went to get the culprit who was a second year named Eligos

We went to the discipline batra's room and saw that the student council was there. We quickly explained that we found the culprit who borrowed some stuff from the magic development and game batra to make the stuff that made Ameri go cute and soft

He didn't even deny it, he was actually happy about it even proud as well

Even so, he still got reprimanded for it. Ronove got a spot in the student council and Azz, Clara and I were finally allowed to continue the magic tool batra. Ameri gave me an offer to join the council but I turned her down since I want to continue the magic tool batra

After that was all over, the three of us went to walk home but were stopped at the gate by Grandpa, who was jumping around me, telling me that we were going to celebrate and to bring my friends as well. To which they agreed

As we went back to our castle, Opera was waiting for us with the table prepared, ready for a feast. We did just that, played games and even explored the basement and found a monster which Grandpa defeated with ease and found treasure to which was only the dessert we saved inside

It was a fun night filled with memories. Azz and Clara went back home and I'm now currently lying down on my bed, ready to go to sleep

Alikred came out and we started talking about what happened to Ameri. It was basically considered an effect of the evil cycle. I asked Alikred if I could go into the evil cycle to which he replied "You're half human. So maybe with a bit of a push. You've been mad before, right?"

"Yeah." I said

"You ever want to hurt someone randomly or do anything bad to those around you, human or thing during your madden state? Like down right torture them or kill them?"


"Then maybe."

"I want to experience what it's like to go into an evil cycle." I said as I yawned and went to sleep
Alikred's pov

"Maybe... Why not, he's already stressed enough. I'll just add a bit more to see." I said to myself as I helped my partner get into his evil state

Next thing I know, he's hair was turning white and was growing horns and fangs
Next morning
Narrator's pov

As the sun shined through Nagisa's window, the doors opened to see a happy grandfather and they're cat helper

"Good Morning, Nagisa-kun!"

"Good Morning, Nagisa-sama."

As Sullivan went into a ramble, he was stopped by a grumble

Nagisa sat up on his bed and said "It's too damn early, old man."

Sullivan was shocked to see that there was a boy who looked like him with his white hair and demon horns, wearing his grandson's clothes and staying on his grandson's bed

Opera wasn't fairing any better, he dropped the tray that he was carrying due to the shock

"Nagisa... Is that you?" Sullivan asked

"Yeah, who else would it be." Nagisa said, as Sullivan was even more shocked as he saw his eyes. It looked the same as his

As silence was in the room, only to be thrown out the window by Sullivan as he shouted "MY GRANDSON LOOKS LIKE ME!"

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