Home Visit

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Sullivan's Castle
Nagisa's pov

"SENSEI...! How is my grandson at school? Is he good? Is someone bullying him? Is he eating alright?" Grandpa said, pissing off Kalego-sensei but he bit his tongue before he could say anything

"Hoy! Hoy! Hoy! The parent is asking some questions. Shouldn't you answer them, Kalego-kun?" Opera said, poking Kalego-sensei with Grandpa

I looked at the poor man who was barely holding it in and said "Please excuse them, Kalego-sensei. Grandpa and Opera are just happy."

"Of course, I am. This is my grandson's first home visit with me and I plan to enjoy every single moment of it." Grandpa said, as he took a picture

"While, I plan to also enjoy every moment because I get to spend time with Kale- I mean, see how Nagisa-sama is doing at school." Opera said as he messes with Kalego-sensei's hair with a hair brush

"HAVE YOU, NO SHAME?" Kalego-sensei shouted looking at Opera

"Of course, I have. I'm just being a good senpai to his kouhai. Kalego-kun's hair wasn't neat at all. So I helped him out. No need to be shy about it." Opera said

"I'M NOT SHY!" Kalego-sensei shouted

"There you go again." Opera said, cupping his own cheek

"SILENCE!" Kalego-sensei shouted

As the two were in an argument, I know full well not to get involved, so I just sipped my tea while watching it all play out

Grandpa on the other hand was busy taking pictures

"Nagisa-chan~ Do you want some snacks? I know we will have dinner after this but from the looks of it, it might take a while." Grandpa said, as he hands me some pastries. To which I happily accepted

I pulled out my phone and took a picture of Kalego and Opera in a heated argument and Grandpa and I, enjoying each others company then sent it to the group chat

~Misfits Rulz~

Nagi-chan: Sent a photo x2

Azz-chan: It looks, like it might turn into a fight. Do you want me to go over to your house, Nagisa-sama?

Nagi-chan: No need, Azz-kun. I have Grandpa here.

Blonde Gambler: Wow, Nagisa-kun. Your butler is going up against Kalego-sensei!

Mr.StelYoHart: Isn't that the same guy that came to school?

WindCutter: Sure is.

Nii-sama: Wow, he sure is amazing.

GentleOwl: Not as much as you, Nii-sama!

FutureDemonKing: Video their battle, Nagisa-kun! I want to see it.

5 other users agreed to this message

IceQueen: Are you safe, Nagisa-kun?

Nagi-chan: Yeah.

Unknown: Nagisa-chi! Video it! Video it!

Nagi-chan: They stopped fighting.

Knowledge: That is disappointing.

6 other users agree to this message

-Back to Nagisa-

"Alright, shall we continue the visit?" Grandpa said

Kalego-sensei clesred his throat and then pulled out a notebook, only for Opera to take it from him, give it to Grandpa

"Look, Nagisa-kun. It's about you." Grandpa said as he hands me the notebook

I looked at the book in shock, as I thought 'The only teacher, I know who would go to this length is Koro-sensei.'

I was knocked out of my train of thought when Kalego-sensei took back the notebook and said "Nagisa-kun is a strong and smart boy, it can be seen by his growth not only on his grade but by the rank he has attained. But he still has more to grow. He is still naive in some places but he will learn more as he grows."

I looked at Kalego-sensei with a smile on my face and said "Thank you for your insights, Sensei."

Kalego-sensei nodded his head then said "If that is all, I will be leaving now."

He got up from his seat and walked towards the door, only to stop when he felt a hand on his shoulder

"Aren't you staying for dinner? Or the night?" Opera said as he shows a bucker filled with essintials

"What?" Kalego looked at him confused

"Your staying the night, right?" Opera asked

"Why in the hell should I?" Kalego-sensei exclaimed

"Because, Nagisa-sama wants to. Isn't that right, Nagisa-sama?" Opera said

"Y-Yeah." I said, as sweat falls off my face

"Y-YOU BASTARD!" Kalego shouted

"Bastard? I can't let you speak like that to my master!" Opera said making Kalego shiver

I took another picture then sent it to the group chat

~Misfits Rulz~

Nagi-chan: Sent a photo

Blonde Gambler: Is he, threatening Kalego-sensei with a bucket of supplies?

Nagi-chan: Yes... I think.

-Back to Nagisa-

"Look what I found, Nagisa-sama." Opera said as he pulled out a summoning paper

"DON'T!" Kalego shouted but it was all for nothing

I took several pictures of Fluffy Kalego and Opera

'I'll give this to Opera for free but... How much would Momonoki-sensei pay for all of this?'

Sullivan's pov

After a great night, I was more than happy and from the looks of it, Opera is happy as well

Kalego-kun left to go home, Nagisa-kun is asleep and it's just Opera and I in the living room

With Opera cleaning, while I looked at my son's letter and family picture

I looked at Baby Nagisa's face and I couldn't help but be happy that I got a grandson

I heard something ripped, I quickly looked at the photo and saw it was fine

I let out a sigh of relief and said "Thank Derkila."

Then I noticed something, there was another photo behind it

I peeled it off and saw another photo but this one was blurry, since the color stuck to the back side of Nagisa's photo

I couldn't make out of it but, I pressume it's another family photo but this one has red on it

Learning from my past mistake, I told Opera what I found and that I plan to get the border police's help

"Sullivan-sama there is writing on the photo. It says "Kama?"." Opera said


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