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The Stag.
Lael Mercia.

"Are you ready, Rod just texted." Sal muttered as he sat in Lael's bedroom, rather on the plush rug which was at the center of his small bedroom lounge, the vampire sighed in content as he ate his chocolate. "I'm almost done, and while you're busy eating my comfort food, don't stain anything, I know each time I let you in here, you get handsy." Lael warned Sal who glared at him, but it was true, Lael always reprimanded the vampire for acting like a child whenever he was in his bedroom. "Fine, I won't touch anything, but when did you get the new drapes, they really tie the room together with the black print." Sal commented and Lael just chuckled, ofcourse Sal would notice.

He'd gotten the drapes recently after Rod tore the other ones. "Recently, I needed the change." Lael replied leaving out the fact that Rod liked sleeping in his room more than anything lately and at that in his shifted form, something about Lael's scent being calming during his ruts. Lael was finally done when he walked out of his spacious closet in a dusty pink sweater, black loose fitting pants and ankle boots. "You look nice, the natural make up always accentuates those cheek bones." Sal mumbled smiling at Lael who knew the vampire was jealous. "How very mature of you Sal, I thought you wanted this sweater, given up already." Lael teased and his son glared at him again. "Okay fine, can't you just give it to me, I promise I'll give it back." He whined earning a laugh from Lael. "Fine, you can take it tomorrow, but spill anything on it, I'll have Rod starve you for a week." He threatened and Sal had his eyes widened in shock.

"A week, why!" He protested as they walked out of Lael's bedroom into the open space turned lounge of the penthouse then to the stairs that led down to the kitchen. "It's a fitting punishment really." Lael mumbled as suddenly he felt someone at the door by the bar. "I don't remember having an appointment today." He muttered as Sal finally felt it. The stag wasn't just a building, in a way it was alive, connected to its residents, they felt what it felt, and sometimes even before the doorbell rang, the house would inform them of their guests. "You don't, I'll go check it out, in the meantime you can just pack everything, Dan left it in the warmer, I already have the kid's clothes by the hallway table." Sal informed Lael, he nodded toward his son and happy at his efficiency, so when he left, he did just that, got all the food Dan prepared for Kolby, then walked into the hallway and grabbed the bag with his clothes, once he did a double check that everything was there, he walked down to the sixth floor then out after locking the main door that opened to the sixth floor and the rest of the house.

"You don't have an appointment." Lael heard Sal tell someone but he didn't know who it was since he was still by the second floor which was the lounge by extension, so he got down to the bar and found Sal looking at Dorren Haze, the current and only mob boss of Orris city, with big mafias in the city, Lael wondered why Dorren and his mob hadn't been absorbed into one of them, the man was surely resistant and persistent honestly, most of the mobs had been dismantled and absorbed into the mafia, it's a wonder he was still alive. "Hello Dorren, what an unpleasant surprise, what do you want?" Lael cut right to the chase as Sal slyly smiled and moved to stand behind Lael after taking his bags.

"I needed to have a talk with you Lael, it's about the new don, I was hoping we could come to an agreement." Dorren replied in a heavy Scottish accent, if it wasn't for Dorren's disheveled state, he would've found it attractive. "I think Sal has already told you Dorren, you don't have an appointment." Lael replied not wanting to entertain the half demon who sighed heavily and moved a step closer but stopped Sal moved forward his eyes burning with a threatening glow. "The fucker Kybern has been moving into my territory, I know it's not big but it's profitable, the other Dons dont seem bothered by it but Lael I've got mouths to feed and boys to raise, if he absorbs my territory, nothing will stop him from coming into your territory." Dorren had laid it all on the ground, and Lael wasn't impressed by Dorren, nor by Kybern himself, the north was a big enough territory why would he move west, Dorren had carved out a little piece of the unclaimed north and part of WestEnd as his own, Lael had been okay with that aslong as nothing happened west, now it seems things were about to change.

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