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The North Territory ~ Marcs Manor.

Death awaited in the night, silent shadows witnessing the destruction of a once powerful demon, his people, his hoarde, his power, all cut down and destroyed, leaving nothing of what had been once, now it was all aflame, and he couldn't stop it, he couldn't stop them.
Dorren sat at the entrance of the mansion, the raging fire that surrounded him did not touch him, rather it played with him, seeming happy to find him and do his bidding.

Next to him was Monica, so content to be by his side, untouched by the flames, she smiled looking into his eyes, how she never wanted this moment to end. Several bodies dropped from the air, dismembered and immediately the flames that were razing the mansion moved to engulf the broken pieces of flesh, turning them to ash. "That's the last of them, while you too were canoodling, we did all the work." Danton pointed out with narrowed eyes.

"Oh please, look behind us, I can say this hideous architecture deserved to burn and besides, if you look closer you'll find that the fire isn't just burning the building." Monica retorted head safely tucked in Dorren's hold, when Danton looked past the flames and saw the charred bodies, it seemed no one had escaped the onslaught.

In the far off distance those who resided in the north but had no love for Kybern were rejoicing, knowing that finally his reign of terror would be crushed. "Everyone let's move back furthed away, I have a feeling that he'll show up soon." Dan told the amassed crowd who did not hesitate to listen to the Mercia child, they knew of his family and they knew of his individual strength, and with his sister Imani there, they wouldn't dare go against him, so they did as told.

As if a prediction come true, Kybern battered and barely clinging to life stumbled out of the forest, it seemed the power and life in him was slowly being drained. "He is one tough bastard." Danton commented as he watched the demon heave and cough blood onto the ground whilst he straightened himself and stood to face the four beings in front of him, and beyond him his worst nightmare come true.

All he had built, strived for and achieved in the North, his home, it was all in flames and anger swelled in him and showed in his eyes. "How dare you?!" He accused looking at the Mercia. "This is my land, my territory, you cannot take it from me!" He growled, the earth breaking with the power he exuded. "You came here from nowhere, expected us to bow to you, you do not know our struggles, our pain, you have no right to claim the North, and I should've done this a long time ago!" Dorren spat in anger shocking the demon.

"You, a weakling, without backbone, you without power, what can you do to a demon like me!" Kybern growled unleashing a concentrated spiral of fire that should've hit the weakling in front of him, burned him in an instant, when the attack stopped the Mercia children were in the air, Danton keeping them up there whilst Dorren stood in a sea of flames, his skin turned charcoal black with fire burning all over his body.

"I was born in the depths of the underworld, where demonic fire created my being and fueled it, demons forget that it was us who stood guard to protect." Dorren rumbled, his accent melding into the darkness of his voice creating something terrifying and truly Kybern was shaken. "I am only sorry, I did not do this earlier." He whispered before lunging for Kybern, in the blink of an eye the demon was clutching his abdomen.

A knee to his chin that cracked it and a punch that blew off his jaw completely. "I own the North now, I claim it, for my people who want peace, for my people persecuted because of where they came from, broken by men like you." Dorren growled going for an X sciccor before Kybern could recover, he grabbed the demon by his legs and threw him into the embrace of the raging flames on the second floor of the mansion.

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