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Dan, he was worried, the thought of anyone targeting Kolby made him wonder if those who had any interest in harming him were sane, Kolby didn't have a bad bone in his body, he had suffered at the hands of bad men and women, exploited and tossed aside, left to wither away like the many who were banished or exiled from the homes they knew, the boy was now just grasping his own powers, accepting himself and trying to experience what it was to just be a teen, worry about clothes, boys and pop quizzes, he didn't need all this, he didn't need madmen disrupting his growth but that was the life of a Mercia, it was riddled with obstacles, not so many of them but those that came your way and you ploughed through, — they made you a better person.

So when he appeared at the stag his home, he was surprised to see normalcy, it was a normal sinful night, drunkards were making a mess and the rich were ordering rooms to get dirty in for the night, Rod and Sal were in the bar, Monica was manning the lounge obviously, nothing was out of place except the green wards that were activated on the whole building, it was fortified. "Finally you're here, clean up and come help me, it's rush hour!" Monica called out as he nodded and went up to his room on the upper flows. "Dan, hey you're home, you're a mess by the way." Kolby commented as he passed by the lounge, the kid was watching some show whilst he slowly ate his snack. "Thank you for pointing that out sweetie, price of fighting the undead, —are you okay, how was school?" Dan retorted with a question and Kolby groaned.

"I know sweetie, I know, just hang in there, —soon you'll be on break, let me get cleaned up before Monica starts screaming." He added and Kolby chuckled with a nod, Dan was sure that slight reassurance meant a lot to Kolby, he was doing good and despite him being in danger, he was glad that he was okay, after all he was in the safest place possible. As Dan got to his room he was surprised to hear the shower running. "Hey Dan, I forgot to tell you, Danton is here." Kolby informed surprising Dan, it wasn't surprise honestly, it was shock, Danton barely visited and when he did he was either coming to cause trouble or running from trouble. "Thanks kiddo, go finish your show." He ruffled the boy's messy curls as he nodded and trotted away happily.

As Dan closed the door to his room he wasn't surprised to see a trail of black clothing on his floor, thank goodness he didn't see a mudtrail from the boots or he would've slayed Danton himself. "No running to hug me lovebug, what have I done this time?" Danton questioned as he walked out of the bathroom wrapping a towel around his torso, his golden hair still shining despite being damp. "Last time you left, I had to explain to dad why my car and half my clothes were gone, and why three women were here about to blow our heads off because you made them all pregnant!" Dan hissed as Danton looked at him flatly.

"Are you still angry about that, come on lovebug, I did say I was sorry, and those women asked me to bless their wombs with children, I got them what they wanted, I don't know why they were angry." He argued non chalantly making Dan angry again. "Its not about the women who got pregnant, did you even ask them when they wanted to get pregnant, where is my car, or those gold bars you took from casino Casanova, —do you even realize how much damage you left behind!" Dan yelled as Danton seemed to be barely paying attention to him whilst he used his lotion to oil up, then began going through Dan's drawers looking for things to wear, that's when Dan had enough, he snapped his fingers and all the drawers shut.

"Wear your own boxers, wear your own clothes, I'm tired of taking care of you, and you're a century older than me!" Dan finally exploded as Danton sighed, walked over to Dan naked as the day he was born and hugged him, Dan didn't resist, he didn't fight it. "I'm not sorry for being your problem, —I missed you lovebug." Those words alone were enough to snuff out Dan's angry tirade, he just hugged Danton, despite everything he did, the angel was his brother and he missed him so much. "I missed you too." Dan whispered back as he snuggled into Danton's bigger form and wiping his tears away. "Now don't you feel better?" Danton questioned as they parted and Dan pouted. "I hate you." He grumbled. "And I love you, lovebug, —can I get back to wearing your extra comfy boxers now, I'm going for sexy and I know it look, we've got to get down there and help." Danton stated as Dan sighed, there was a lot going on in his mind as he snapped his fingers again and he released his hold over the room.

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