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EastSide Territory ~ Mencini Mansion

It was a dark day in Orris, once the news had spread in the EastSide that the Mencini lord had been kidnapped, his family and the vampiric bloodlines that resided in the East all moved to secure the territory like a well oiled machine, yet even in that control, that severity in making sure that their home was safe, they felt his absence, especially his family.

"I can't feel him anywhere." Minoe Mencini muttered as he moved his hands and subsequently moving the shattered and broken down railing of the manor's first floor, he picked up a picture of himself, Conrad, Seris and Cagliro, all happily smiling. "I've tried several locator spells, its as if he's just vanished." Con asserted, holding an umbrealla to shield himself from the moonsoon that had swept over the city from the Northern woodlands to the Southern lake, the different coloured Iightning that hit was a testament to someone's anger.

"Where could he have gone?" Seris whispered, tears blending with the rain, he blamed himself for leaving his uncle, if he we there, he could have helped somehow, now he was gone. "People don't just disappear, we need to keep looking." Cassidy Fesher exclaimed, she was the equivalent of a sister to Cagli despite being born to different parents, when she had heard of what happened to Cagli she did not hesitate to come look for herself.

"Indeed they don't." An angel in the sky replied, a violet light glowed and spread out from him, then he held out his hand creating a bubble around the wreckage stopping it from getting destroyed further. "Who are you?" Cassidy demanded. "He's Danton Mercia." Con immediately replied leaving Minoe's side but the vampire was closeby watching as the two hugged. "My favourite baker, oh I missed you." Danton sweetly hugged the pixie, squeezing just a little tighter.

"You've got to stop doing that, I'm engaged now, so no more of your naughty games." Con reprimanded as Minoe walked forward with a proud look in his eyes. "Congratulations, oh double congratulations!" Danton cheered annoying Cassidy who was worried for Cagli yet the fool was jovial. "What are you on about?" Con questioned. "Oh you haven't noticed Sir, your lovely husband to be is pregnant." Danton told the couple and both looked dumbfounded.

"I told you Sir, that I didn't feel okay, that it might happen, but no you insisted we do it regularly for health reasons and other weird reasons." Con whisper yelled and Minoe kept his composure but because everyone there had extremely good hearing they could all try contain their laughter but failed. "How do you know for certain?" Minoe demanded and Danton smiled. "I'm the arch angel of fertility and such, so I always know." He replied non chalantly whilst leaving the two to share their joy.

"Cassidy your father expects you back at Blanc manor, Seris you're also going with her, Sir Minoe, Sydney and the other upper heads are expecting you at the Veros Mansion, and don't worry, I will be taking Con with me to the manor, where he will be safe." Danton explained, his mood shifting seriously.

"We can't just leave, we need to find Cagli." Cassidy argued. "Cagli was taken by Severous Korval, and my father wishes to make sure that all who are dear to Cagli are safe before engaging therefore, I'm here to make sure of it." Danton pressed on forcefully.

Cassidy, Seris and Con nodded, the pixie talked to his husband to be for another moment before the two kissed and separated. "I give you my word, he'll be safe." The angel told the vampire who nodded. "Take care of my nephew as always, he doesn't handle separation well." Minoe exclaimed before he slowly went through a blood mirror. As for the three mystics with Danton, they made a circle bound by their joined hands and ported away to Blanc Manor by Danton's will, the barrier that ketp the wreckage safe still in tact.

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