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The Stag.

A green swirling mass opened by the backyard of The Stag, well the extension part of the bar when patrons couldn't fit into the main bar, this particular night, wasn't one of those as no one was around, Lael walked out first, then Cagli along with Dunkan who walked out last before the portal closed on its own. "Slow night at The Stag huh." Cagli mused making Lael chuckle, there was nothing called a slow night at The Stag. "Thank you for coming with me tonight, Dunkan, Cagli, I would invite you up but I think tonight I need to be with my children." Lael spoke up as he faced the two, one nodded in understanding the other not.

"Come on, we just had an epic fight with undead, I kissed and made up with this guy, then literally crossed into enemy territory, all we get is thanks -." He argued as Dunkan smacked the back of his head. "Ignore the idiot, he's always high on arousal, take care of yourself angel baby, call if you need anything." Dunkan exclaimed as he came forward and pressed a kiss to Lael's forehead who appreciated it immensely. It also made Cagli question or rather find understanding as to why his love could easily find himself falling for Dunkan, he wasn't pushy, he was affectionate and patient, extremely understanding whereas he was the opposite, and it made him angry and not at anyone in particular but himself, no wonder Lael wasn't as reciprocative when all he did was force.

"Goodnight Dunkan." Lael whispered. "Goodnight first ray of dawn." Dunkan whispered as at Lael's feet a green flame flickered then began to burn over his form making him disappear. "Goodnight love." Cagli finally said it after pushing all that he felt aside and Lael had a small smile on his lips. "Goodnight Cagli." He replied as he vanished completely, where Dunkan stood with Cagli -the vampire faced the wolf with adoration and questions. "Teach me, show me, make me understand." He asserted as Dunkan smirked and held out his hand for the vampire, Cagli eagerly took it and vanished with the wolf into the night.

As for Lael, he stood on the roof watching the scene of his two men hold hands and vanish. "You're training them well, but are you sure that's enough?" A foreign voice asked, one that held power, an ancient one, an allure that only those born and draw from Chaos had, Lael turned around to face him and he was still just as beautiful as the day they had first met. "Fate." Lael muttered looking at the sentient much like himself, he who was the embodiment of where it all must come to conclusion, the tapestry of the inevitable end of all who lived. "Chaos, how are you older brother?" He asked as Lael tiredly sighed and smiled toward his sibling. "Do I need to reply that." He chuckled lowly.

"It's pretty obvious, I'm sorry I didn't come sooner, the job and all, our siblings had decided to pay a visit to my realm and as you know, they only leave chaos." He explained as Lael scoffed. "Oh I know, I trust Death and Love were there to help." He offered and Fate nodded toward his older brother with a smile. "Good, you know what I need, the time approaches and I have no idea if my intervention will be the cause for more problems or will it save him, I've grown rather fond of him over the years." Lael informed Fate who hummed in understanding. "I honestly can try but as you know even if I am fate, I cannot change the whole design, unlike you, Destiny has had a better hand and Death as well but the rest of us, we cannot change fate only put in small chips into the design that sway away from the outcome of the original design." The sentient of Fate replied as he now stood next to his oldest brother and sighed sadly.

"I had a feeling you would say that." Lael muttered as his sibling chuckled next to him. "You can save him, just not all of him, and he will come back to you, that's all I can do, but aside from him, -I sensed an ancient power in your realm, one I had never thought I would feel again, is it true what I feel, another being who lives outside of the design, one whose power could change a lot of things from the silver city to hell and the realms between." Fate exclaimed as Lael nodded. "Yes dear sibling, a weaver was born, he is a sign of what's coming, if he's been born in this age, I must work harder to train him before his tribulation comes." Lael responded as he sighed yet again, he had a lot to do in so little time.

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