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The Stag.
Lael Mercia.

"We have a problem." Sal announced as he walked into the office where Lael was busy with a stack of never ending papers. "Can it wait Sal?" Lael groaned and Sal sighed. "Sorry dad, —it can't, there has been an increase in deaths at the outskirts of the housing district up in Con Squire, I had sent a warning to Dorren about it, and he just responded, there is a coven of rogue undead nesting there, apparently they weren't part of any family, they just appeared from nowhere." Sal explained taking Lael's attention, a rogue coven wasn't something to take lightly, they could cause irreparable damage.

"When did they appear first?" Lael questioned. "A day after Kybern came here, and his product barely sold." Sal replied and Lael groaned, this was very well connected to the demon but it was also a distraction. "He's up to something, taking our attention away from whatever he's doing so that we deal with the coven and he goes unnoticed, question is what?" Lael muttered as the door to his office opened. "I think I know." Dan suddenly announced taking the attention of his father and brother but that's not what caught their attention, it was the blood on his shirt and pants.

"Daniel what happened to you?" Lael suddenly appeared by his son, checking him for any injuries. "Don't worry dad, it's not my blood, I was coming from the university and a truck rammed into my car, I got out that's when the fae led by a witch and demon attacked and tried to kidnap me." Dan explained as he was sat down by Lael, all his rage and worry coming to the surface, who would dare attack Dan, who would dare touch his children, in his own territory no less. "Who sent them sweetheart?" Lael asked with conviction to kill whomever dared to touch his son.

"Kybern's right hand, aided by none other than Malcolm Fesher." Dan replied as Lael hissed, but before they could respond Sal vanished in a cloud of black smoke. "Salim!" Lael called out but he was already gone. "Oh no dad, he'll get hurt." Dan tried but Lael stopped him. "No they won't hurt him, Sal is stronger than you give him credit for and besides, they need to be taught a lesson, —as for you come, let's get you cleaned up, we have our own problem to deal with, call your sister, and have someone pick up Kolby from school." Lael instructed and Dan nodded his eyes turning a dark green, the manifestation of his psychic power.

Lael knew this was the beginning of whatever Kybern was planning, he had hoped that he would atleast leave his children out of it but in any case he had strategically done so, as Kybern wasn't the one who actually attacked Dan or sent the men, it was his right hand, but it still made him guilty, and Lael would find a way to even the score.

Sal Mercia.

Dark veins littered his eyes as he crushed and tore off the head of another demon who had tried to get in his way as he stood in front of Malcolm's home manor, it was situated in Cagli's territory but since they had an agreement, the two families knew who was in charge and it wasn't the Feshers. "What ever happened, I'm sure you didn't have to leave a trail of dead men." A guard much taller than Sal stated in disgust, his large rough hands and bulky body all tensed in anticipation of what he would do, but Sal had no time to deal with whatever he was, he wanted Fesher's head, on a silver platter.

"Listen, do you want to die today?" Sal asked, his voice low, dangerous, the man who stood in his way scoffed, taunting him but Sal sighed, what a waste, as he took one strike at the man and his head rolled on the ground, his body followed falling limp on the ground, a blood pool appearing where the sever had been made. Sal walked over the body with a grimace, with a tap on the double doors they burst open and off their hinges shocking the helpers who were inside seemingly unaware of whatever was happening outside. "I'm looking for the master of the house." Sal announced as Malcolm, his former love Sydney and Kybern's right hand all appeared on the landing of the first floor.

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