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Lael Mercia & Severus Korval.

The air was tense, on one side there was a heat building, almost scalding and on another there was serenity, nature in chaos and vice versa, these two beings were feared in the old world, even now they still terrified those who remembered but one outweighed the other. So as they sat opposite each other in the heart of Orris City, the beautiful city park, they couldn't help admire the tranquility and peace of it all.

"It makes me wonder why a being such as you could be so greedy enough to kidnap and smuggle not just mystic children but humans aswell, to want power so much so that you would do anything for it." Lael spoke after their long silence, breaking it with a question Korval never expected, though he hid his surprise with a chuckle.

"So you know?" The dragon whispered. "Then you must understand mistress, not all of us from the old world would easily assimilated into this new world, we weren't as beautiful, intelligent or abundantly loved." Korval responded.

"So you chose fear and vile acts to get what you wanted, your kind was never so cruel." Lael lowly hissed earning a low growl from Korval. "You know nothing of my kind, my kind are either in hiding or have been killed, we were once the most feared mystics until you showed up." He angrily spat, angered by the mistress's condescending tone. "I did not mean to disrespect you dear Korval, but great dragons in their strength never affiliated themselves in the issues of lesser beings." And with those words, Korval's anger vanished.

"What do you want mistress?" The dragon finally questioned. "To have this conversation with you." Lael chuckled turning to face Korval who seemed uneasy, as bold green eyes that changed shades looked at golden eyes that also changed shades, both beautiful, both dangerous. "What is it you wish to gain from it?" Korval questioned again, knowing full well that if the Mercia matriatch knew what he was, he was no ordinary mystic, he sensed an ancient power, a power older than his.

"I have been born in many worlds, given many names, and in each of those I was still myself, remembering it all for millennia until the Medium was finally brought back, the cycle of life and death for all us anthropomorphications of what all creatures and gods feel was broken." Lael stated, his words he knew had taken Korval by surprise. "Since the time I broke free of my bonds, I wanted to raze the world, create a new one where the injustices done to me would never occur." He stated looking at Korval, unmoved yet fully attentive.

"Destiny and all my dear siblings showed me a different path, gave me a perspective that I fully accepted when I realized it's what I and everyone needed, so in every place I am tasked to nurture, I have created a domain, a safe haven, one where everything that happened to me would never happen to anyone else, and my children were consequently a result of that." Lael concluded astonishing the dragon next to him.

"I've always thought, you —were a normal mystic, one who was just too blessed by the Goddess, now I realize you're more than that, more than a god, yet I don't understand, what are you?" Korval demanded. "Im the all, the truth to everything everyone experiences, but can never underdstand, even in order, I am Chaos." Lael whispered in response and a rumble came from Korval chest. "Why walk among men, you have your own domain." He asserted and Lael smiled.

"Foolish Dragon, this is my domain, well a part of it, for many years I have been rooted here, to nurture this once bitter place and so have my siblings, so you must understand when a being such as yourself creates an imbalance, one that forces my hand to such extremes." Lael told the dragon who formed no words and kept still, not because he was afraid but because this was a higher being, he knew he had to tread carefully or he would cease to exist all together and yet, he was no ordinary mystic himself.

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