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Those who heard the tales of his beginning have never lived to ever say a word of it to any other being alive, they were cursed to the darkest pits of hell where fire and brimstone was raw enough to burn their very souls. As for him, he sought out to change the world, to mold it into a place he could be at peace, but peace was not easily gained, men are monsters, mystical beings are terrors and they all wanted him to fall, but there is a reason why The Stag has it's crown, why it is the very representation of nature, back in the old world they believed he was a myth until he wasn't. In the new world he sought to change, he was easy pickings for greedy enough men, because they had forgotten what he was, malice, serenity, death, life, he is and always will be sentient chaos, the very celestial representation of it, and they should fear him for he could bring the world of men and gods to their knees in blood if he so wished, for he is owed blood.

the forgotten tales of the west ~ Derie the pilgrim sun.

The Stag.
Brewing Chaos.

Sometime Past.

"Kybern is causing trouble for Dorren, it seems he's still scheming, I don't know what his aim is but I have a feeling it's not good, we need to be ready, so I was thinking we need to cancel Cagli's suspension from the stag, he'll be more of use if he's in my good graces, I haven't heard from Dunkan Blanc lately, I have a feeling something isn't right, he never misses an opportunity to annoy Cagli but this time he never took the opportunity, which is something off, we need to get information on him, see what he's up to."

As they were in the car ride home, Lael knew something wasn't right. "On second thought don't send anyone, I believe I need to find him myself." Lael told Rod who nodded as he drove on toward home but Lael was gone, as if he weren't even in the car.

Lael appeared on the south side of the city, in a vast expanse of forest, Orris city was large, large than most cities in the country, what made it stand out was how it had been divided, four parts that were largely different from each other but still the same, the south was ruled by Dunkan Blanc, an alpha who came from the very pack Kolby came from, he himself had been shunned by the pack for his different nature, he wasn't a hybrid but something more, something the pack couldn't allow to live so before they killed him, he escaped, the clutches of his own family to think, they were hypocrites.

Lael saw Dunkan struggle in the beginning, nursed him, nurtured him, he was one of the very few men in Lael's life who had refused the contract and loved him, not as a father no— but a much more intimate love, Lael never got around to accepting because Rod needed him, the Westend needed him, and Cagliro Mencini also made his claim known complicating everything. Lael was getting way too lost in thought here, he knew he needed a move on so his feet took him off the ground and he shot straight for the sky, from above he was overtaken by horror.

The pack was ablaze, most if not all the largest infrastructure was in flames, screams and death sung in the air, then blood, raw blood spilt everywhere, Lael didn't want to but the very fibre of his being was called to this death, to this very chaos and it fed, he did not interfere but merely watched, he never interfered unless called to, so he watched, the man who had love for him kill and massacre his own, are masterful art as blood and fire drenched the ground, mass genocide never failed to surprise Lael, he'd experienced plenty of it but it never got boring.

On  the ground Dunkan Blanc dragged a blade on the concrete, it sparked little embers as the blood that fed it only made the steel sharper, it was a gift from his beloved, one he knew he would use at some point. He dragged it to the packhouse, past the broken double doors, past the body strewn lower halls, until he got to the safe room, he knew they were in there, cowering like idiots amidst war, so much for being alpha, with a swift swing he sliced open the metallic doors, no bone or metal on earth could not be cut by his blade, it's what made it special.

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