Nicky Romero for Kyle

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The sun was going down and the beach deserted. Nick grabbed my hand before leading me to the blanket. A slight breeze tickled my exposed skin while the sand stuck to my bare feet.

I sat while Nick grabbed the food from the cooler. It was our sixth year anniversary and we're celebrating it on this L.A beach. We liked spending time with just the two of us. I know it seems weird for a dj to like being in a calm place but what can I say?

We ate while talking about the memories we had together. Like the funny one where Nick literally spent an hour and thirty bucks to get me a teddy at the fair. But 'It was worth it' as he said.

The romantic souvenir where he flew straight after his gig, without attending his after party, so that he didn't miss my birthday; Even though he was halfway across the globe.

Or just the thoughtful times where he would write cute emails every night for when I wake up while he's on tour. It's the little things that shows how much we mean to each other.

"Look!" I tear my gaze from the sandwich to the sky and to my surprise saw planes pulling a big posters.

Kyle Johnson,

Will you

Marry me?

I turn to look at Nick in shock as he takes a velvet box out of his pocket. He takes my hand and pulls me up.

"I know you for a very long time and now I think that our relationship is ready for a big push... Kyle, will you marry me?"

I nod excitedly before getting pulled in a hug by my soon-to-be husband. He kisses me tenderly on the lips before putting the ring on my finger.

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