Martin Garrix for Gracelyn_

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I jumped into the pool making sure i splashed Julian and Robert. Julian plunged into the pool and grabbed me by the waist before pushing my head in the water.

I swim back to the surface and get out of the pool.

Martin was on the phone probably talking to his publiciste about the tour or something... He's been distant for a couple of weeks. And it was worrying not only me but the whole tour.

I change into a plain sun dress and help Julian with his button up-shirt since he would whine about not putting the correct buttons in the correct holes and i was not in the mood to hear an 19 year old child whine.

"Grace! Let's get something from the bar yeah?" proposed Robbert already marching to the hotel's bar.

"Sure!" i agreed grabing my bag.

Being the clumsy girl i was, i slipped on a puddle and went flying onto Julian's chest making him fall with me on him.

I gasp at the closeness before my eyes bore into his.

I suddenly hear footstep and i'm suddenly hovering above the ground and thrown on a chair.

"Listen to me Julian!" roared a furibond Martin. "I've had enough of you! Always cuddling Grace, always doing things with her! I've had enough!" with that, he left us gobsmack and ran to his bunggalow.

"You should probably go talk to him..."suggesting Julian picking himself up.

"I know you prefer him."

I send him a confused glance before following the path to Martin.

I set a foot in and saw the trashed room.

Broken glass decorated the once clean floor while splotches of alcohol were on the fourniture.

I entered his bedroom and saw him curled up under his sheets. I sat near him and played with his hair.

He didn't do anything, he just watched me.

Suddenly he grabbed my face and kissed me. This kiss was nothing compared to my precedent 'adventure' it was longing and soft as if we were desperate for each other.

"I love you Grace."

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