Imagine for NEVEWOOD's birthday.

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"Shut up Lockett! You'll wake her up!" a girly voice squealed.

I kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep. I knew it was about nine in the morning and i also knew that it was my birthday!

My husband is currently elsewhere so it was just me and the kids.

"You're the one shouting India!" retorked Lock as i feel him climbing on my double bed.

"We should make her breakfast!" giggled Lazer following his brother's lead and settling near my arms.

"Or just cuddle with her!" proposed India wiggling under the covers with her teddy bear M.Sparkles.

I hear a door close and some shuffling foot-steps before feeling 4 figures pressing me. The smell of freshly cooked baecon and coffee made me open my eyes to the most beautifull view a mother can have.

India was pressed against my left side with her brother Lazer while her twin sister Adelaide was cramped on my right side under Lockett's protective arm.

Lazer had a similar personality to Adelaide... They were shy children but had their outburst moments too. But in looks they were completly different. Adele has Thomas's blond hair and my brown eyes while Lazer has his dad's eyes and his mother's long brown curls. But they both had a frail composture due to their young age.

While India and Lockett were the dare-devils of the family. They prank everyone with the help of their uncles Anton and Sonny. Lockett is a perfect replica of Lazer and India looks exactly like Adelaide. Exept they had a more strong body and tan skin. They were extremly protective over their siblings.

I know that even thought Lazer and Lockett aren't my biological sons, i'd give my life for them.

At the count of three, i wrapped my arms around the bunch and start tickling them. They trash and squeal around before running to the kitchen. I quickly dressed in some random shirt and shorts before running to the kitchen myself. I mean, i smelled cooked food and it's probably Anton and believe me, you could never miss the famous ZEDD's bacon or as we call them BEAcon since Zedd is the family's bea along Sonny. I turn the corner and see the man of my life standing over the sink. He must have herd my footsteps because he turned around and saw me.

He had circles around his eyes and his hair was all over the place but his smile was the same as it was three month ago.

He lunged towards me and pressed a hard kiss. I tangle my fingers in his hair as his arms sneaked around my waist.

"EWWWWW MOM AND DAD ARE KISSING!" squealed a grown man called Anton.

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