Zedd for Bre! (Zeddslavski)

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"...If a equals b plus three, what is the composition of acid?" That's what math is for me. They give you information that has nothing to do with the question.

I groan and chuck all my things in my bag and run to my appartment. I hop out of my worn out clothes and dress myself in a fancy black dress, with some black converse.

Girls, how do you manage to stay in heels for more then an hour?

I manage to finish some math exercice before Sonny arrives, wearing a black shirt, pants and jacket.

Same Old Sonny. Never wears a tux or anything fancy even when you're about to go to the grammys.

He chuckles at my clothes before bowing and giving me his arm.

"Miss Bre Moore,"

"Sir Moore?" i played along hiding my giggles.

"Our carriage is waiting for us." he winked making me chuckle.

"So don't freak out. I'm supposed to get Ellie and Anton before arriving at the Grammys."

"Why would i freak out?" I already met Ellie since she's Sonny's girlfriend.

"Because Anton is simply Zedd."

Now THAT left me gobsmack. I would be meeting my idol. THE Zedd in flesh.

My brother must have noticed my silence (or expression) because he laughed softly before he parked infront of Ellie's mansion.

I climb over the seats and left the shotgun for Ellie. What i didn't expect was that Anton was here and that he sat next to me.

My stomach burst into butterflies before he kisses my cheek.

"Next to meet you lieben" he winked

"Hello... What does Lieben mean?" i ask looking ignorent.

"It... It means friend..."he laughed nervously.


When we arrive, Sonny enters the building with Ellie and Anton grabs my hand and enterwins our fingers before dragging me to our seats.

During the show i took notice of his fancy clothing and handsome face when he received his grammy with Louisa. I got to admit, I got jealous of Louisa.

That made me remember who i was.

I'm just Bre Moore, Skrillex's adoptive sister. I'm only 18 while he's 25. He's rich and handsome while i'm barely paying my rent without Sonny's help.

That reality check was needed. I grab my purse and exit the building depressed.

"Bre! Wait up!" an accented voice called.

My throat got dry and I started walking faster. Going where? I have no idea.

An arm sneaked around my waist before pulling me into his chest. I refused to meet his eyes. No need to see what you can't have.

He bought my head up and scanned me. I had the impression of being read. That his green orbs were telling me that everything was fine.

What he did next was unexpected.

He kissed me.

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