Hardwell for Katharina

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My brother is Afrojack. Well, technically, he's my half-brother. I'm 25, Nick's 27. Nick is an awesome brother and you can't ask for a better brother. Today, we're leaving on tour ; I actually produce with him. Just under another name. On normal days I'm Katharina Van de Wall, when touring i'm Katy Gornita.

Katharina has black hair and a pale complexion while Katy has mint colored hair. Katharina is pretty insecure while Katy is the most outgoing person in the whole universe. THe only people that know what really is going all are my mom and my brother. Other then that, I'm either Katy or Katharina.

"Hurry up Kat!" grumbled Nick. He was outside and waiting for me to finish getting ready.

"A second!"I shufle into some jeans

Ï'm just going to get something to eat!"Before i could protest he was out of ear shot.

I hurriedly finish getting dressed in some jeans, red vans and a red button up shirt when the door opned. I turned to look at the man expecting to see Nick but to my horror i spot Hardwell instead. He looked quite handsome today. He had his usual white shirt and jeans but he also had a black blazer on.

His eyes went directly to my hand. FUCK. I completly forgot the weave that i was going to put. I try to hide the weave but he quickly snatched it from me. HE looked at it then back at me for several times beore putting it on me.

"You could have told me you know..."he whispers in a hurt tone.

"I was scared..."I really was. Being Katy just helped me with my confidance shortage. I felt as if i could do anything since i was playing a character. I wasen't plain ol Katharina...

He brushes my weave away before setting my curls loose from the bun i had made before pushing me against the wall and staring into my eyes. I had nothing to do execpt stare into his honey coloured eyes. They were so beautiful...

"Katy or KAtharina, who ever you are... I love you."

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