Chapter 11

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They had all crowded into the living room not even bothering to go to a conference room. They were not even siting on the coaches.

Tony turned to Natasha. "Who the heck is your kid?!"

Her mind was filled with questions, but it annoyed her the way Tony was accusing her. She hadn't seen Percy since he was a baby. How was she supposed to know?

Natasha shrugged. "We don't choose what shape or form they are born. They just are the way they are and we need to accept them...."

"That's not what I meant!"

"Tony calm down," Steve yelled.

Tony stoped talking and started breathing heavily. He was having a panic attack, but the others saw it as him having angry outburst.

In Tony's head there was a kid fighting for his life against an alien life form. Then it was him falling again from the hole. Over and over. All he could do was close his eyes and let it take over him. He hadn't felt himself falling, but he knew in that moment of unconsciousness that it was over. All of his life had led up to the moment he gave himself up for people like that kid. Then he was awake again, and the world did not come to an end. Instead he was here with this kid who could fight. This kid was alive. He wasn't dead. He wasn't in the alien attack. He is safe in his room. Nat's kid. A fighter. Not dead.

"Tony, are you done?"

Tony's head snapped up. He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. "My point still stands there is something wrong for a teenager to be able to go against an avenger, a super soldier, and win." He said this in a quieter and tired tone.

"Yeah, well there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. It's not just him, but his girlfriend."

Everyone in the room nodded their heads in agreement.

"I want to do an examination on your son.   Check for injuries that might correlate to severe training or abuse," Bruce said.

Natasha's hand clenched, but her face remained neutral.   "Good luck getting him to cooperate.  The last doctor had issues.  Fury sent a SHEILD agent in disguise to interrogate him and she was not able to get anything out of him."

"What about his previous family?"

Natasha remembered Sally from the hospital. She claimed "I birthed and raised him."  That was a lie.  She clearly knew, and didn't tell anyone.   She also had a relationship with his father.   The one that probably kept him away from her.  In her eyes, Sally was a demonic figure luring her son with treats.

Natasha grimaced. "Sally might be a problem. I don't have my memories, but I knew I hated her."

"So we know there was a reason, we just do not know the specifics."

"I want to know why, but breaking her will take time," Natasha smirked.

Bruce shook his head.  "You are going to far.  Think of Percy."

"His name shouldn't have been Percy.   I wanted to name him, but even that was taken from me.  I know I cannot change the past, but I can control the now," was what she Natasha was thinking.   Of course she would not be that vulnerable as to say that.  She was a trained assassin.  What came out of her mouth was one word  "Okay."

"That did not sound convincing," Tony said.

"It will have to do," Steve said.

"Do you want to talk to him about the situation?  I am sure Percy has his own opinion on things," Bruce said.

Natasha nodded.  "He can talk."   And spew words out of his mouth that resemble the truth.

"Poor kid," Tony said staring at Natasha. 

Natasha brought out one of her tasers. 

"Iron man out," Tony said.  He walked away before Natasha could threaten him.  

He had been pushing her all week with the jokes.  Jokes about having a kid and being a mom.   Natasha was not happy with Tony.  The others who watched this happened watched warily.  Bruce cautioned Tony that he was going to far.  Steve outright told him to stop, but it would not penetrate through his iron skull.

Natasha was still gripping the taser.   "Don't let him get to you.  You have a son that you need to talk to," Steve said.

Natasha held onto it for a while longer before she looked up and smiled as if nothing was wrong.   Of course they knew that was false.   "He didn't bother me, I just wanted to scare him."

If it was anyone who did not know Natasha they would have believed her.   She lied so convincingly that it was hard to remember her character with the façade she gave off.  

"Well you scared him," Steve said.   He smiled at her even though he was wary of her in this moment.

Natasha patted his arm.   "You are a good man Steve."

Steve nodded and watched her walk to her son's room.  

Tony came in a second later peeking from behind a corner.   "Is she gone?"

He was wearing his iron man suit.   "Tony what are you doing," Bruce asked.  

"A little dress up."  Tony got out from the corner forgetting to be scared of a red-headed assassin.   He did a model walk with his iron man suit.   "You like my suit, it's a new model?"

The rest of the avengers stared at Tony.  Steve looked up to the sky praying for patience.  "Don't look so righteous capsicle.  You wish you rock this outfit."

Steve looked disbelieving at Tony.  "Could you stop being so immature and act your age?"

"I am not an old man, so I can't act your age grandpa!"

"I am out of here," Steve said.

"Wait we are going to spy on..."

"Don't do that Tony," Steve said.  He left on the elevator.  

Tony turned around.  Bruce who was the only one left ran from the grin Tony gave him. 

"I will be in the lab," Bruce said.

"Traitor," Tony said.  Bruce ran like hellhounds were chasing him.   "We could have been something."

Tony looked dramatically at the empty space.  Why does he always end up alone?   "It must be my greatness," Tony said to himself. 

He went to his workshop.   He set up cameras in his room when he was out.  Natasha's son was just to interesting.   Of course, Natasha would kill him if she found out, but it was his building and he could do what he wanted to.  Being alone was better because he could do it electronically which would save him from physically going there and facing Natasha's wrath.  

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