Chapter 22

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"I am going to kill you," Natasha said. They were sitting down at restaurant and Percy kindly explained to her what he had done while she was on the run.

"I know your the black widow and that's your title, but you don't have to be the spider." Percy smiled as he speared in the exotic food. He missed pizza and his moms cookies, but this was good food too.

"Black widow spiders kill the male that they mate with and only the offspring that aren't fast enough to escape." Natasha dug her knife into a piece of chicken. Percy looked at the chicken and shrugged. The threat meant nothing. He had worse with creatures that actually meant it.

"That makes your threat even worse. Your own flesh and blood," Percy said. Nat still wanted to kill Percy's dad. She just couldn't, yet...

Natasha looked over to the window. "I warned you time and time again don't go through my stuff."

Percy was grinning as he held a picture on the phone that Leo made. Percy looked at the picture of him trying to fit into the Black Widow costume. "It was a dare from Leo. He wanted to see me stretch what my mama gave me."

Percy in the photo was awkwardly trying to fit into Natasha's skin tight body suit. It didn't fit him and he stretched the material a little.

Percy sent the photo to Leo. His dare finally coming through. His mom found him in a compromising position and was not happy about it.

"Oh your mama is going to give you a lot more attention if you keep this up." She arched her eyebrows a smile lifting up in the corner. She missed this. She had been lonely without the avengers and Percy. She was starting to feel again and it felt great; even though she wanted to kill her son half the time. Like when he started snickering. He wasn't even taking her seriously.

"You know you never told me why we are eating at this restaurant." Finally back to a normal topic.

"Oh, I didn't." Natasha said that perfectly innocent and moved her hands to the spoon. She was diverting attention to her to the food. She picked up the spoon and dipped it before savoring the dish. Percy rolled his eyes. She was skilled at diverting attention. It was in her very nature, but did she have to do that from her own son. It was weird and felt rehearsed instead of a natural conversation.

Percy stared at Natasha. "You know I would ignore that if you had given me better clothes."

Natasha smirked. She had given Percy a tight shirt instead of the lose ones he usually wore with black pants and a leather jacket and boots. "You look like a mini Tasha. So cute. Besides didn't you want to dress like me earlier."

"I wanted a loose t-shirt not this tight shirt."

"The female population is enjoying the show."  With the tight shirt they could see the outline of Percy's abs.   There were more than a few subtle glances towards his way before they started muttering in a foreign language.   Percy did not know what they were saying, but Hades Natasha was smirking.   Not a good sign.

"Look mom, I said I was sorry. Please give me a loose t-shirt."

"Hmm, I will think about it when I look at my body suit."

Percy huffed and then pouted.

Natasha kept on eating. After a while Percy just went back to eating too. "So cruel," he muttered.

"What was that? You want another tight t-shirt. Wow Percy I didn't think you liked it so much!"

Percy stopped talking. They finished the food and paid. Natasha looked over to Percy. "I want you to stay in the hotel."

"Like that is going to happen," Percy interrupted.

Natasha crossed her arms. "First you interrupted and then you did not let me finish. Do not be that type of person and let a girl finish her words."

Percy looked down. "Sorry mom."

"It's okay Percy. Now what I was saying is that as much as I want you to stay behind you will probably get into even more trouble if I leave you alone."

Percy smiled wickedly at Natasha who rubbed her forehead. "I am going to get wrinkles from you kid."

"Only wrinkles or gray hair to."

Natasha rubbed her forehead. "All of the above."

After a minute they started walking. "So what is the plan?"

"The plan is I go visit the old apartment."

"Sounds fun." 

"It should be, but be careful of bullets.  Use your water powers to protect yourself."

Percy scrunched his eyebrows.  "I thought this was a visit to your own apartment."

"Oh it is," Natasha said, grinning.

They walked into a building with spiraled stairs.  Natasha grabbed a gun from behind a slot that was open in the wall.  "Do you have any more fun surprises," Percy said. 

Natasha nodded.  "Oh I have a lot to keep my kid entertained.   From here on out be quiet."

That triggered something in Percy.   The times he had to sneak around monsters.   A serious look came into his eyes and Natasha knew she was not just looking at her son anymore, but a seasoned warrior.  

Natasha nodded and they walked up onto the entrance of a black door.   She started picking at a lock when Percy heard a voice he did not recognize. "I know your out there."

Percy froze in alertness ready to lunge or jump away at a moments notice.  

Natasha motioned him to stay behind in one motion before taking out her gun.   "I know you know I am out here."

She finally got the door opened before slamming it in Percy's face.   Percy tried not to be too annoyed and listened in.   He would intervene, but a while later when he listed in on the conversation because it seemed a little too familiar to be some random person.

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