Chapter 4

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It felt like the whole world froze over. Natasha's gaze went frosty. She looked at the woman who had tears in her eyes. She didn't remember why she hated her, just knew she had a good reason for it it. Seeing her hugging her son sent jealously up her spine.

"Miss Jackson, how did you know..."

"One of the hospital staff informed me," Sally explained.

A doctor walked in. "We did not inform you. My staff was very adamant about that."

Sally smiled sweetly at them. "I am sorry, his father informed me. I didn't want to say with...." She cut herself off. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is why you did not tell me about my son being in danger."

The doctor walked off.

"You said his father informed you that he was in the hospital," Natasha asked. She was on a tight rope and it was ready to snap.

"Yes, well he is very secretive. Not that it matters. Can I have my son discharged."

Percy nodded. It was not good for a demigod to be in a hospital.

"You do not even know Percy's condition and you want him discharged."

"We have a doctor waiting for him." Will, most likely. She probably called camp to ask for him. "I take my son's life seriously."

"What about the kidnappings?"

Sally looked a little flustered. Percy glared. "It wasn't her fault. My aunt kidnapped me. And a biker dude when I was younger."

"As we were saying, Percy we have something to tell you. We did a blood sample and found out your mother is not your mother."

Percy froze. A look of confusion covering his face.

"But I am his mother," Sally said. "I birthed and raised him."

"I am not so sure on the birthing part," Fury continued. "Your DNA matched this woman's DNA."

Percy looked up at Natasha looking s little lost. "I don't understand."

"Yes and that is what we would like to figure out. Percy the government has decided that you should stay with your biological mother for the time being because of all the mishaps that seemed to keep occurring around her."

"That's not her fault though."

"Yes, well the government just wants to make sure you are safe."

"Percy go with her," Sally said.

"What," Percy asked. The other two looked confused too. They thought she would fight for Percy more.

"I can still visit Percy right," Sally asked.

"Of course, you will have visitation rights."

"Mom," Percy asked confused.

"I will talk to you later Percy, but apparently somehow she is your mother too. Do you understand me Percy."

Percy nodded. She was saying that it wasn't the women's fault, and that it was okay to get to know her.

Sally walked over and kissed him on the forehead. "I will talk to you later. I love you and behave."

Sally left. When she did she felt a trickle down her face. It finally came to pass. A few years ago, Poseidon had told her one day when Percy was away at a quest. Knowing the child she loved wasn't really hers hurt. But she loved Percy. Poseidon had apologized to her over and over again. Then he left, and so did her world. When Percy came back from the quest she couldn't let him go. He thought she was relieved to see him alive. She was grateful, but that wasn't that set off her clinginess. No, it was a secret that she kept at bay.

When Poseidon had come again and told her what happened and what needed to happen. She wanted to refuse, but in the end she couldn't. So she let him go. It was part of his father's side. She could never touch that part even if he was her biological son. Sally's figure faded away.

* * *

"So what do I call you. Mom? Or that crazy red-head."

Natasha smiled a little before thumping him on the head. "Not that crazy red-head. Mom or Natasha works."

Percy nodded. "So does this mean I can get out of this dang hospital room."

Natasha sighed. "I am sensing a lot of headaches in my future."

Percy grinned.

Fury smiled a little. "Well I will leave you two kids now. I will question you further. But you two need to get to know each other. Also percy, since your file is extensive your are not allowed with a legal guardian until 23."

Percy's jaw dropped. "But that's not my fault."

Fury chuckled. "Bye Percy."

Percy turned to Natasha who was studying him. "Hey mom, how is it hanging."

Annabeth would be face palming herself right now. Percy could hear her saying "Really, that is the first thing you said to your mom."

"I am doing good kid." She smiled at him. "So should we start with the basic questions?"


"20 questions."

"Oh," Percy said. He shrugged. "Sure."

"What is your favorite color?"

"Blue. Blue is everything. If you give me food I want it to be blue."

"What is a pet peeve of yours?"

"When people call me Perseus."

"What is your favorite activity?"

"Swimming! Or going to play in the ocean!"

The interrogation went on and the two go to know each other.

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