Chapter 1

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Percy was now seventeen.   He had survived the prophecy and he was trying to live his life.  If only the monsters would stop attacking him.   Honestly sometimes he wished things were different, but they weren't.

Right now was one of those times.   Currently he was fighting off a small army of monsters.  They decided today was going to be "gang up on Percy day."  It was horrible and Percy wished that he wasn't so popular with monsters.  Unfortunately he had a reputation he intended to keep.

His sword cut through them and then he was down to three.   One threw him across and another pounced.   In an act of desperation he summoned water from the pipes in the building.   He suffocated the monsters.   His vision became blurry and he could no longer see straight.  

He heard a shout and the sound of footsteps.  He could only hope it wasn't a monster.

                              *           *           *

The boy had been asleep for a day in the hospital.  They couldn't figure out he was so they got a DNA test of the boy.

The hospital staff did not expect to see an avenger as his mother.  For some reason the father kept coming back inconclusive, but that did not matter.  Once they reported this to the proper authority a guy with an eyepatch came down to question the hospital staff.  

"Make sure this does not reach anyone's ears." 

That was all he said before he turned his cloak turning up with him as it cascaded down like a cape.   The hospital staff kept coming in to check on the boy.   In there head, all they could think about was when did the Black Widow have a son?

                               *       *       *

Natasha was back at Stark's tower.  She sat lounged next to Steve looking over different missions to find a link in case they were working on.  They were relaxed and at ease when Fury walked in. 

He looked like he meant business.   They both stood up automatically.  "What happened," Natasha asked.  Her voice hard and unforgiving.

Fury stared at her for a long moment.  He was deciding how he wanted to start this conversation.   "Do you have kids?"

Natasha was stone cold.  "You know I can't have kids after graduation."

Steve was a little confused by the trajectory, but smart enough to keep quiet.

Fury handed her a picture he had taken of Percy.  Of course they didn't know his name.  They only knew he was related to Natasha.   That frustrated Fury and he sent SHEILD agents to watch over him as he slept.

Natasha looked confused as she stared at the picture of the boy in the hospital.   He had olive tone skin and black hair.  What has this boy got to do with her?

"The hospital did not know the boy's identity.  Could not find an ID card or a phone on him?  We looked over the security footage of where we found him and saw that he was mugged by a gang.  So they looked at his DNA for a match."

Was Fury asking her to take on a case?  "So what is so special about his DNA?  Is he an alien like Thor or a mutated human?"

Fury shook his head.   Fury looked at Natasha with gentle eyes.   That was not a look she was used to seeing.   Fury was always tough, and he occasionally tossed around jokes.  Something must have happened, but what?

"The DNA matched your DNA.   He is your son."

Natasha shook.  She felt a hand on her shoulder.  Without even thinking she flipped Steve over.   She was still reeling that she did not even apologize to him.  

She thought it wasn't possible.   But all along she had a kid in the world.   "How is this possible," Natasha breathed out.

"We don't know.   We have to wait until he wakes up, so we can ask him questions."

Natasha had so many questions, but she would think about those later.  She was angry.   She had a son and she didn't get to raise him.  Suddenly she thought it was impossible again.  

"Are you sure he is my son?"  

Fury gave an understanding nod.  "The hospital staff tested it ten times to make sure and we sent one of our SHEILD agents to test it.   You are his mother."

Natasha nodded.  "How did he come into the world?"

"We don't know, but we suspect with how old we think he is that you had him before the graduation ceremony.  Somehow when they were brainwashing you they erased your memories of him."

"Seal eyes," Natasha said.   "I remember a little baby looking at me with seal eyes, but only in my dreams."  Suddenly Natasha turned angry.   "I don't remember exactly what happened.  But in the dreams I wanted him away from his father.  He was always calling out the name Sally."

"Are you sure the name was Sally," Fury asked. 

Natasha nodded.   "I remember the anger I felt towards a woman named Sally.  I can't remember the reason but her name was Sally."

Fury got a call.  He put down the phone and looked at Natasha.   "He woke up."

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