Chapter two

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Remus decided to go get the key to their new accommodations. Seeing that they were the last pair to get their key, professor McGonagall announced that the west part of the castle was remade to resemble a complex of apartments where they would stay with their “new families”.
— And before I forget, I want to say that the rooms are enchanted to prevent any kind of inappropriate behavior that could happen. — said the witch with a serious face.
Three different floors could house four families. Selene and Remus’ floor was the second one, unfortunately, or not for Selene, they didn’t share the floor with any of their friends. Selene was not close with Marlene and Dorcas, so she couldn’t say that she could count on them and Remus wasn’t as close to the witches too like Sirius or Lily. It was him and Selene now. And the baby of course.
They entered their new place, it was small but looked very comfortable. There was a nice sitting room, a small kitchen, a bathroom with two sinks, a small room for the baby and their room. Their room was big so the two of them could live there, there were two beds, two desks so they could use to do their home works and two dressers.
— It looks nice! We could bring the bassinet here so we can have easy access to him.  ̶  suggested the girl.
— Yeah. That’s a great idea, I'll do it later. I think now we should discuss how are we going to deal with it, maybe we should start with simple things like his name. — the boy said.
— Ok, do you have any names in mind?  ̶  she asked.
— I do like the name Nikolas, Niko for short. And, Edward too!
— Nikolas is not bad. I like the name, Sebastian. Nikolas Sebastian, it's not too terrible of a name. What do you think Lupin? ̶  asked the girl looking at him.
— I like it too. I think he does look like a Nikolas Sebastian. — said the boy looking at the baby who was giving signs that he would be awake very soon. ̶ I think he is starting to wake up. I better look for something for him to eat when he wakes up.
Selene just nodded while she was looking at the tiny baby that started to open his eyes. His eyes are beautiful forest green, just like Remus’ own eyes. The girl felt her heart melt when the baby looked at her with his huge green eyes and smiled. She knew it wasn’t a real smile because babies that small couldn’t do it yet, it was just a reflex but it still was really cute.
She picked the little boy when he started to fuss and tried to calm him down so he wouldn’t cry.
— Hello little man!  ̶  she said with a gentle voice.  ̶  You must be hungry, huh? Just wait a little bit more. Remus is almost done with your milk, my darling.
Even if she had just murmured it, Remus still heard her. The boy’s heart warmed seeing Selene act so gentle with the little boy. He knew the girl wasn’t bad, even if his friend would think the opposite. He knew she was just a very timid, reserved, and quiet girl, because without his friends around he could easily cohabit in the same space as her.
— Here you go, Niko!  ̶  said Remus smiling at the baby who was sucking on his little hand.
— Well, he is eating now. He has a nice name. I guess now we are going to discuss how are we going to take care of him and manage our others activities. This and how am I gonna manage to avoid your friends too, because I have a feeling that they wouldn’t ignore me just for the sake of this project!  ̶  said Selene with a serious face while she was holding Nikolas when he was devouring the bottle.
— I’m sorry for them! Look I will talk to them so they live you alone while we are doing this, maybe I can even convince them to stop bothering altogether. — he said sighing. — I never really understand why they would pick so much on you, I know you are a Slytherin but it doesn’t make you the next bad guy.
—I must be under some spell or the effects of a weird potion because I just heard Remus Lupin, a Gryffindor and marauder admit I'm not the next bad guy! Wow!  ̶  said the girl ironically with just a hint of real surprise while she got up to burp the baby.
— Yeah! Who would have thought I would ever say that out loud. Not me. — Remus said with a yellow smile.  ̶  I’m sorry. I hope we can do this right, so please accept my apologies and let us start anew and treat each other with respect!
— This much I can do. Hope you can keep up with your promises Lupin! I will change him and put him down for a while. Then I'm going to visit Lily, you can watch him while when I am away right?  ̶  she asked looking at him with a lifted eyebrow.
— Yes. I can do that.
— Okay. I will see you later then.
Remus was left alone in the room looking at the sleeping baby.
̶ Well, little man I guess it is just you and me.  ̶  he said putting the bassinet near his bed so he could lie down and watch the boy.

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