chapter seven

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  The sixth week arrived. And with it came the "family consultation" day. The students participating in the project were going to have some examinations to assess their health, the baby's health and development and to ascertain the living relationship between the students.

  Selene and Remus had the last appointment of the day, James and Peter had the first. The health of the two marauders was fine of course, Harry's health too, the only thing they needed to work on more with the baby would be introducing a more varied diet.

Lily and Sirius on the other hand heard that they would have to work better at distributing chores and time spent with Rose, Lily was starting to get over loaded and Rose very dependent on Lily and hardly recognising that Sirius was part of her day to day life and not just a stranger who popped in sometimes to play. Despite everything the little girl was in great health and developing normally.

  When Remus and Selene heard Madam Pomfrey calling for them, they got up and walked towards the medibrux with nervous expressions on their faces.

" Well, first I will examine this little one, then I will examine you two separately and then you will be free." announced the older witch in a calm voice.

Pomfrey examined Nikolas thoughtfully, seeing that the baby looked healthy and well developed, she asked some routine questions about how his feeding and behaviour was.

" Nikolas is the healthiest and most developed baby I have seen today! It is a sign that you are doing your best, not that it surprises me of course!" the woman said smiling. "As everything is perfect with this prince, I will examine you Miss Snape. Please Mr Lupin wait outside."

The healer checked Selene and found that although she needed more vitamin D in her system and to replenish a few hours of sleep, the girl was fine. She even seemed healthier than at the beginning of the year.

" You just need a little more sleep, but I think you already knew that. I recommend taking a potion to replenish your vitamin D or trying to get out in the sun more."

"All right, I'll do that!"

" Well, now I want to ask you about how you are handling the project, you are already in the middle of it. Tell me about it."

" It's a big responsibility. It's the biggest project I've ever had to handle. I knew it would be difficult and demand a lot from me. However, it's not so bad. Remus helps me a lot and Niko is a wonderful baby to deal with.

" I am glad to hear that, I can see you are having a good experience. You speak of Nikolas with affection and take good care of him!"

" Yes! I really like that giggling little moon! I feel like I'm getting too attached to him. I always try to remind myself that it's not real, so I don't come away missing this project so much, but he's so real. I feel like my affection for him is just as real." said the girl smiling shyly.

" I understand, don't worry it's normal. It just shows that you have a good heart, I know you are not the only one too. Well, tell me how is your living with Mr. Lupin. I noticed that you call him by his name now."

" Oh! Yes. Remus, is very kind and nice, considerate too, always helps me and not only with Niko. We have become friends." said Selene blushing. " Even more so now that he has made his friends not mock me so merciless every single day."

" I'm glad to hear it. I believe that's why you seem happier, healthier too. I was afraid you two wouldn't get along." the older woman admitted.

" At first I thought that too, until not too long ago I actually thought so. But, now I see Remus with other eyes." said Selene with her black eyes shining with affection as she spoke.

  Oh, Poppy knew that look! Those were the eyes of a girl in love. Who knew, Miss Snape had fallen in love with Remus Lupin. Really the two of them would be adorable together.

" Well, I see everything's all right here. I wish you both all the best, I hope to see the two of you flourishing more and more together, even after the project! Can you call, Remus for me?"

" Of course! See you later, Madam Pomfrey!"

" Hello, Remus! How are you? I'm going to take the same tests I always do. In the meantime, tell me how you've been handling the project."

" Well, it's not as terrible as I thought it might be. Niko is calm and easy to deal with, he's a very loving, friendly and smart baby. I have nothing to complain about."

" That's true, the healthiest baby I've seen in ages. Tell me, how is your relationship with Miss Snape going!" asked the witch laughing, seeing blush rising to the boy's cheeks.

"We are friends now. I'm quite happy about it, Selene is a nice girl, we have some interests in common too. She's very considerate, pleasant and solicitous, though she tries hard to look like she isn't!"

" I'm glad you speak of her fondly and are getting on well. Selene doesn't have many friends, but she is a friend to the few who give her a chance at friendship."

" I am really glad that this project happened, it made me see a lot of things and allowed me to grow and mature in this short period. This project is something special that I will never forget!"

" I'm glad to see that the project has been a positive experience for you, dear. Now tell me, how is your lunar situation going? Are you all set for the next moon?"

" Yes! All set for the next moon! About how my situation is... well, He's quiet whenever I'm around Niko and Selene. I think he sees them as pup and... er..." Remus couldn't finish his sentence, his face was red and his tongue seemed to be numb.

" Oh! I see. Well, that's unexpected. I don't see it as anything negative, just unexpected. What about you my boy? How do you feel about it?" asked the older witch fondly.

" I think, well, he's just reflecting how I feel. Not that it matters. I could never say that to her or anyone else. I don't even know how I said it to you!" the boy said embarrassed.

" You don't have to be like that. It's okay and it's normal! Allow yourself to feel it, Remus! Believe it or not you can fall in love."

" Of course! A werewolf in love, who wouldn't?" he said wryly.

" My boy, you are a good student, a good friend, a good partner, a good future father, why do you think you wouldn't be good for someone? Being a werewolf shouldn't stop you when it comes to falling in love. Maybe just this once you should listen to what your heart and the wolf are saying!"

" I can't promise anything, but I will think about it! Really, thank you Madam Pomfrey, I needed to hear that!"

" I am always here my boy, to heal your wounds and listen to your feelings whenever you need me. Now, shoo! Go to dinner!"

  Poppy watched the boy leave with a tiny smile, he was already thinking about his future mate. The older witch couldn't wait to see the two of them together, who knows she won't stay long enough in school to see some boy much like Nikolas in the future.

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