chapter three

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Selene was at door Lily's door when she heard a cry of a baby. She knocked on the door and waited for her red-haired friend to answer the door.
When she did, it was possible to see her holding a crying little girl and an almost crying Lily.
— Oh! Thanks, Merlin, you are here Sel! — said the girl with relief in her voice. —
Sirius let me here with Rose. ALL ALONE! And she won't stop crying. Please hold her and do your baby magic! You know babies like you!
Selene didn't have time to say no, not that she would say it to her distressed friend, but the other girl practically shoved the baby to her. The baby really started calming down.
— I wish I was paired with you! You are good with babies, but NOOO! I had to be with Sirius Black. He is with James and Peter right now, maybe they will pay you and Remus a visit later, I mean, want to do it too because you didn't bring your baby. I'm really curious to what you guys got! But first, this little lady you are holding is Rosalind, but we call her Rose! — said the redhead cheerfully, pointing to the equal redhead baby with cute curls and emerald green eyes.
— She is beautiful! Hello Rosie, I hope you will be good to Lily, you can keep up with the crying with Black, ok? — said Selene to baby, who was starting to try to nuzzle her chest.
— I think I should feed this little one. I hope to her need I change when Sirius get here, so he won't let me alone again with the baby like this!
— Don't even tell me about it! While they don't start solids, it's OK the changing, but when they start eating... — said the pale girl with a frowning face.
— Yeah! But tell me about your baby! I'm really curious about it all!
— It's a boy! Nikolas, Niko for short. He's a sweetheart, at least until now he was one. He has my hair and Remus' eyes and nose. — said Selene with a soft voice, remembering the little boy. — Remus has been nice. He is the only one of his lot that can actually act like a mature human being, as far as Gryffindor boys or boys in general can be. I'm really surprised that he actually will talk to the others, let me be, and not just for the project!
— Wow! But I mean it was about time. I like Remus, he IS the nice one out of the other marauders. But the lack of confidence to stand up to his friends is something he needs to work, hope he takes this time to practice it! Maybe you two can even be friends after it! — said Lily with a smile.
— I don't know about that, but I know this one needs to burp and maybe a nap! And I need to go back and check if Niko and Remus are still alive and finish my essay about the polyjuice potion. See you at dinner if everything is fine, or tomorrow if things aren't as great! Bye little Rose! — whispered Selene to the baby.
— Good luck with your boys! See you tomorrow! — said Lily.
Selene bumped into someone as she was about to get inside her apartment. It was Sirius. The Marauders were really visiting Remus and their baby, like Lily predicted.
— Don't you look where you walk? — she, with an annoyed voice and face.
— Why don't YOU look where you...— Sirius didn't finish the sentence because Remus' elbow hit his ribs. — You know what? It's OK! I will let it pass, to show you my kindness and humble heart! — said the boy dramatically. — Anyway, I will see you guys later!
— Bye, Remus! We will see you tomorrow! — said Peter.
— Until tomorrow, Moony! Say bye to your uncle Moony, Harry! — said James, taking the baby's hand, waving to Remus.
When the Marauders got out, Selene sat together with Remus on the comfortable coach.
— That child got all of Potter's hair! — commented the girl.
— I know, right? Harry looks a lot like James, that's why he is named after he's grandfather. — said the boy, laughing. — How were Lily and Rose?
— Rose was crying when I got there. Lily almost cried too. Black might be hearing a lot from Lily right now.
— Well, not everybody can get a calm and sweet baby like us, I guess! Even though Harry looked calm now, he was very energetic when he arrived. Almost woke Niko up!

— He is still sleeping? — said the girl, already knowing the baby could wake up anytime by now. — I guess we're going to have a full night. But if he really is the sweet baby he appears to be, we can have a semi decent night of sleep.

And when Selene just finished saying it, the little boy started crying, making the young "couple" look at each other face with "you go there!" expressions.

— We should go there together. — said Remus. — So we can help each other. We will have three weeks of barely being able to sleep then more three until he starts to sleep better through the night, and it will be around the time he will be able to sit by himself and start eating. 

— Okay. You are right. — She sighed. — I can't wait for this time to come, but at the same time I don't want it to come.

— Why? Because he won't be so little anymore? — asked the boy picking the crying baby, checking hum up.

— No. Not just that, to be honest. It's more about what comes in his diapers when he starts eating. — she admitted. 

— Oh! OH! Yes, I think I don't look so forward to this part, too. — he said, make them laugh. 

Remus changed Nikolas with Selene's help, and they put him to sleep again in his bassinet. 

— Good nap to you! — said the girl.

— Shouldn't it be goodnight? — asked the boy.

— No. It's nap. We have a small baby here, remember? — laughed softly, Selene.

— You're right! Good nap, Selene! — said Remus,
— Good nap, Remus. — She whispered back.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭  ☆  [𝐫.𝐥𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐬.𝐬𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞]Where stories live. Discover now