Chapter eight

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On the evening of the consultation day, it was Remus' night to be responsible for guarding Nikolas' sleep.

However, today Niko and Remus would have a slumber party at James and Peter's flat, where the marauders would strengthen their bond with the babies and enjoy getting together like they always did.

When Remus finished his dinner, he got his backpack ready while Selene prepared Niko's backpack.

" I've put everything he might need in here. Whatever happens, you go to Madam Pomfrey and then call me!" the girl said seriously.

" Yes, ma'am!" said the boy with a laugh, saluting.

"It is serious! It's the first night he's stayed away from home! And don't look at me like I'm crazy! Remus John Lupin, wipe that smile off your face, or I'll do it!"

"Sorry, it's just that you look funny like that. Don't worry, I'll take good care of our boy! Good night, say bye-bye to mommy Niko!" said Remus taking the baby's chubby hand and waving to Selene.

"Good night, Remus. Good night my little moon. Have sweet dreams!" said the girl kissing the baby.

As the marauder was on his way to his friends flat, he mumbled to the baby.

"Lucky you! You even got a good night kiss!" he said seriously but soon began to laugh and tickle his baby to hear the precious laugh that the little one had.

When he arrived at his friends door, he was greeted by a dirty of mashed bananas Peter and laughter in the background.

"Hey, Remus! Mini Moony!" said Peter.

" Heya, Peter! Is Harry giving you a hard time with the food?"

"Yeah, unfortunately not everyone has a baby as nice as yours."

" I think if you guys could cook it would help a lot too. Hey! Hi, James and Sirius! Good evening Harry and Miss Rose!" said Remus tickling the babies.

"Hi Remus! What's up mini Moony!" said James.

" Did you manage to escape the bat's clutches? And you still manage to bring Niko? What did you do to get Snape to let him come spend the night with us? I thought she wouldn't let him mix with 'our kind'." said Sirius.

" Sirius! Don't you start! And don't talk about Selene like that, we're not children anymore, that's ridiculous!" says Remus seriously.

" Easy, Moony! No need to get mad! What's that? Are you in love with Snape?" says the boy laughing.

James and Peter laughed together which made the babies laugh too, but soon James stopped when he saw Remus' red face.

" No! Wait a minute! Really? No! REMUS! I can't believe it!" said the bespectacled boy in shock.

" What?" asked Remus trying to pretend nothing had happened.

" What is it James?" asked Sirius.

" Remus, he... My Merlin! Of all people, it had to be HER?!" said James exasperated.

"Guys, what's going on?" questioned Peter.

"Moony is in love with..." said the boy in bewilderment, whispering the last part.

"What? Remus, what's he talking about?"

"James, you're crazy! I'm in love with nobody!"

"How can you not? IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW. How long has it been? I feel betrayed!" said the marauder dramatically.

"James, please calm down, it's not like it was on purpose! And it hasn't been that long!"

"I don't understand anything," Peter whispered to Sirius.

"Neither do I!" said the silver-eyed boy.

"Okay! Remus is in love and James feels betrayed, who could it be? MY GOD! REMUS DO YOU LIKE EVANS?"

" WHAT? NO! It's nother!" spoke Remus nervously.

With the screaming rolling around, it scared the babies, and the boys had to pause the discussion to calm the little ones down. They put the little ones to sleep in their room and put spells on them to protect the room from noises, but still be able to hear the babies if needed.

" Now that we've sorted that part out and we know it's not Evans! Let's get to the part about who we're talking about." said Sirius.

" Well... I like... Understand that it's not on purpose! And this is a delicate thing. I... I like..." Remus can't finish because James spoke first.

"Snape! Selene Snape! She's the one we're talking about! The girl we used to make fun of, Lily's best friend!"

" WHAT? REALLY?" inquired Peter in shock.

" REMUS! No! Her? How? When? Why?" spoke Sirius surprised.

Remus let out a frustrated sigh. He knew his friends would react like this, but to be witnessing the reaction in the moment is far more uncomfortable than imagining the scene happening.

" Look, I like her. It's something new, something I didn't even want to admit myself. All you need to know is that my feelings for her though new are true, she doesn't know about my feelings and I don't want to see you tell her that, let alone do anything about it! I know you would do something that could make her hate me, even if you don't mean ot and is with the intention to help me," Remus said seriously. " But please don't do anything. She means something to me, I like how we are now. I like being friends with Selene and I like being able to hang out with her."

" Wow! I wouldn't have thought something like that would be possible. It is Snape after all!" said Peter.

" I don't understand why you like her. But I see it's true, after all you have forbidden us to continue with our plays and mockery with her, you also always seem happy to go back to her and Nikolas." said James in a soft voice. " We're not going to do anything, alright guys?"

" I'm not promising anything!" said Sirius. "Ouch! James, no need to appeal to violence, it was a joke!"

"We're not going to do anything, Moony! Just hope you cure yourself of this crush of yours or get the girl! Whichever comes first. " joked Peter.

"Thank you! That means a lot to me. Even though I know I don't stand a chance with her."

" What do you mean? You? She shouldn't have a chance with you! After all, you are Remus Lupin! Gryffindor, handsome, intelligent, kind and most importantly, my friend, ME, the most gorgeous guy in all of Hogwarts!" said Sirius making his friends laugh.

" I am quite sure that Selene is not impressed that I am your friend. But, what you guys forget is that I'm a werewolf! Selene, couldn't possibly want someone like me! And it would be unfair to want to trap someone with a future like her, with me." said the boy sadly.

" If she really likes you it won't matter! No one is a better catch than our Moony!!!" said James. " I mean, there's me! However, I'm Evans' and hers alone!"

" All we need you to do is make Selene Snape fall hopelessly in love with you!" said Peter.

" That shouldn't be too difficult! Maybe she's even already in love!"

" Don't be silly, Sirius!" said Remus.

" You never know Moony! But anyway you just need to be the perfect gallant gentleman that you are! Or if it comes to desperate measures, you follow your instincts and let Moony act!" James said.

The rest of the evening passed with the Marauders joking around and planning how to make Selene Snape fall in love with Remus and change a nappy here, give a bottle there.

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