Chapter ten

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The eighth week of the project had arrived, and this brought two pieces of news into Remus and Selene's lives.

The first news was that, Niko was starting to crawl. Which came as a big shock to Remus when he saw that the baby was starting to try and move towards him on his own, with only Selene's encouragement.
Selene knew that Niko was close to making it, however, she couldn't imagine that he would be able to do it so quickly.

The second news, was not such happy news for Remus, in fact, neither was it for Selene, after all becoming the target of 'positive' attention was nothing she was used to.

After her appearance with her new look, Selene began to be the target of constant stares and whispers, well this she had been through before, but never because they thought she was pretty like she was now. Some people were mean, saying that this was something to seek attention, others were saying they never imagined that she was "this kind of girl", whatever that meant.

But, what was worse was the fact that some boys who previously didn't even know of her existence were now giving her the kind of attention she never thought she'd get. Honestly, Selene preferred it when the Marauders played pranks on her, at least they didn't make her as uncomfortable as some of the boys in her house. The only boys in Slytherin who hadn't done anything to Selene, were literally Regulus and Lucius.

Regulus is her best friend and gay, Lucius is like an older brother and is engaged to Narcisa, meaning she should have known nothing would come of them. Not that being engaged to someone means much, after all Ivan Petrova was engaged, but that didn't stop him from commenting on Selene's new appearance and how he could now give her a chance. Like she would ever want it.


" I can't believe they're treating you like this Sel! Oh, how I hate it! If they say one more thing like Petrova said today, I'll jinx this person until their fifth generation!" said Lily, already red with anger.

" I expected something like this from my house, I just didn't expect it from the others, I even heard a revenclaw saying that I'm trying to steal her boyfriend. I didn't even know her boyfriend existed!" said Selene indignantly.

"Jealous bastards, a bunch of toerags!!!"

" Lily, what the hell is even a toerag?" asked the slytherin girl laughing at the insult her friend came up with.

" That's what those idiots are!" snorted Lily. " I bet if you had a boyfriend this would stop right away! After all, to these idiots, you've changed because of this. How angry those people make me!"

" But I don't. And I don't even need one, I can defend myself, not to mention that you're doing a great job as a bodyguard!" said the girl making her friend laugh.

" But of course! My Selene, nobody toches! If they try, they'll get a kick right to their teeth followed by a jinx so complicated that even Madame Pomfrey won't be able to fix it!!!"

" What's my pretty flower talking about? What has this poor creature that you are threatening done to deserve your wrath? Tell me who made you like this, and I'll give this fool a 'vanishing tea'!" said James, emerging from Lily's side.

" I'm talking about these people who are picking on Sel! Now just because she's showing off how beautiful she is, does that mean she wants to get attention from some boy?"

"Let it go, it'll all be over soon. Like I said before, I'm not doing this to get a boyfriend or steal one." said Selene.

"But you should! You should get a boyfriend and rub it in everyone's face. Since they are talking so much about it maybe then they'll stop."

" I don't think that would really help, not to mention that I don't like anyone here and no one likes me either, so it gets complicated."

" That's not true! I like you! I'll be your girlfriend! I'll protect you!" said Lily laughing and hugging her friend.

" Why don't you just pretend to be dating since that's how it is? Can't Regulus help you with that?" suggested James.

" Potter, did you forget that Regulus is gay?" said Selene.

" Ah!" said the marauder wilting. But soon a smirk appeared on the boy's face showing he had thought of something. " What if you start dating Remus? Makes sense, he's not gay, you guys are friends now and could even pass as a real couple, when you're with Niko then, you look like you've been married for over 10 years!"

" Don't be silly Potter. This is stupid. Not to mention Remus, would never agree!" said Selene with a red face.

" Our Remus is a gentleman, he would never let a maiden down, even if the maiden behaves like a troll."

" Shut up, James! But then again, he's right about the part Remus can accept. You guys are pretty close now. It can't hurt to try!" said Lily wiggling her eyebrows.

" Remus is really kind enough to agree, but this isn't right!"

" Come on. He even falls into most of your demands of a perfect partner! He's tall, kind, studious and even has an air of dangerous mystery with his scars! He's perfect for you!"

" LILY! Shut. Your. Mouth!" growled Selene.

" There you go! Even my pretty flower, being your best friend agrees! Now we just need to talk to Remus!" said James pulling the two girls to the library where they would probably find Remus along with Niko.

Arriving at the library, it was possible to see Remus in the reserved area for 'parents' to read to their babies. Remus and Selene, were always there with Nikolas. There weren't many parents around, only Marlene with her baby at the moment besides Remus obviously, in fact, there were rarely many people around, the most frequent visitors were Remus, Selene, Lily and Marlene, sometimes Peter would go with Remus and Harry. And some ravenclaws as well.

" Remus, my friend. My comrade, I come here to inform you that you have a date with your newest girlfriend, Miss Selene Snape, this weekend! Peter and I are offering our babysitting services, of course!" said the bespectacled boy smiling, like a cat that caught the canary.

" WHAT?" spoke Selene and Remus simultaneously.

Madame Pince sent a deadly glare in the direction of the two red teens, causing them to apologise.

" What's happening, James?" asked Remus confused.

" Nothing! Potter is mad!" said Selene quickly.

" Quiet! Listen Moony, Miss Snape here have been getting some unsavory comments and we've come to the conclusion that for this to stop, you two should date, at least pretend so this can stop! Or it can be real dating..." the last part, James whispered to his friend.

" Remus, don't mind him. He doesn't know what he's saying!" Said Selene.

" But, if you don't want to ignore it, we'll love it!" spoke Lily smiling and receiving a, slap from her friend. " What? I'll be happy at least."

" I don't have a problem with it, but this isn't about me. Selene, if you don't feel comfortable it doesn't have to happen. " Remus said gently.

"You don't have to do this. You're too nice for your own good! I don't want to force you into a date, much less a pretend relationship."

"Well, I wouldn't be forcing myself. Selene, I enjoy your company. Spending time with you isn't a sacrifice, it's a privilege." spoke the boy sincerely.

" Look at that, a great success! Everything is going well, I should open a relationship agency!"

" Oh, please, no need to exaggerate. Your ego doesn't need to grow any bigger, in a little while we won't fit anyone else in Hogwarts, because your ego took up all the space!" said Lily rolling her eyes.

" Guys, can you give us a moment?" asked Remus seriously.

" Sure thing, Moony! Come on my beautiful flower, let's go check on our kids!" exclaims the marauder pulling Lily out of the library.

" Selene, I have something I need to tell you."

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