Chapter four

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  Remus woke up with the hushed sound of Selene’s voice singing to Niko. The baby might have woken up not long ago, he was sleeping a little more now that he is almost three weeks, which meant that he was three months.

   The first week was really hard on him and Selene, they barely slept. When their second week started, they got the idea that they should each have a night they would let the other sleep and a night they would share, so they could have time to sleep and look like human beings and not zombies.

   Tonight was Selene’s night to stay with the baby at night, but Remus woke up anyway because this week the full moon was approaching. The boy is getting nervous to see how it is going to work. He doesn’t want to lie to her saying he got sick and will need to stay away, but he needs to do it.

   Moony was acting a bit weird lately. He would stay really quite in Remus’ mind and only watch, sometimes Remus would feel him be irritated with his friends about some comments about Selene that they would let slip, Moony felt very protective of the baby and by extension he was feeling protective of the slytherin girl too. Moony especially liked when she would sing to Nikolas. Her voice was real nice, and it surprised them when she sang for the first time.

   Niko finally seemed to go to sleep and Selene put him back in his crib.

“ Good dreams, my little moon!” said the girl smiling to the baby.

   My little moon. This was a nickname that Selene came up to the little boy. He seemed to love the night and watch the moon and stars, she called him like this too because he had the cutest chubbiest cheeks that made his face look like the moon. Remus actually liked a lot the nickname, even thought he would call him more Niko or pup.

  Remus went back to sleep with thoughts about Selene’s voice.


   Today would happen the full moon, and Remus was on edge. He was snapping on his friends and was running from Selene and the baby to not be acting rude to them. The boy never wished more to not be a werewolf then today, Moony was irritated and felt like he needed to be on control which made Remus even more impatient and annoyed.

  When the time to go to the shrinking shack was approaching, Remus went to find Selene and tell her he wasn’t feeling right and would stay at the hospital wing for the night. She looked with exhausted eyes at him, just saying it was ok and hoped he would feel better by tomorrow, and despaired in their room.

  He went to the shack, where he transformed into the wolf. The next morning, when he woke up, he felt like trash. He felt like he hurt himself more than normal, he felt so exhausted he could pass out and wake up only next week. His friends were still sleeping in their animal forms too. The night really must have been tiring to them.

“ Hey mate! What a night! Never saw Moony act like last night, how are you feeling?” asked James.

“ Like 300 bludgers hit me!” said him with a tired voice. “ I don’t know what happened, but Moony sure gave us all hell.”

“ It was a bit weird, he wouldn’t stop trying to get out, and he was all snappish with us too.” Sirius said while stretching himself.

“ Yeah! This night was brutal, mate!” Peter commented.

“ I need to go to the hospital wing. I need to take care of my aches and to b there in case Selene appears there with Niko to check if I am better.”

“ Wow! Moony, you and Snape are really taking this family business seriously, huh?” joked James.

   Remus only scoffed at his friend taking his way out of the shack.

   The boy treated his wounds and went to sleep. When he woke up again, it was already night. Remus still felt sore, but he was hungry and needed to check on Niko and Selene. He really was missing them, since the project started he never stayed this long away. He was feeling weird about it, but ignored it, not wanting to think about why he was feeling this way about it. Think too much lately led him to think about Selene, think about her was leading him to think about them doing things too, it really irritated him, and he didn’t want to deal with it.

   When Remus got to his apartment, the first thing he saw was Selene sleeping with a very awake Niko on top of her looking at her and playing with the hair that was falling on her face. His heart accelerated at the beautiful view that they made. He took the boy that smiled and babbled at him.

“ I missed you too, pup! Did you wear out your mom? She looks tired, so let's go find something yummy for us to prepare to eat and let her sleep a little, so she can eat with us.” He said going to the kitchen with the little boy.

   Selene woke up with the smell of food. Remus must have come back. She was really happy about it, her night was miserable. She felt like this night was the worse, not that she would ever admit it to Remus or anybody else, but Niko was fussy and irritated and wouldn’t go to sleep, she tried everything but nothing was working until she thought he was missing Remus, so she laid on his bed with the baby. Niko fell asleep 20 minutes later with her singing to him while they were in Remus bed.

   They slept all night for the first time, waking up really early in the next day. She made his bed the way it was before she slept there, so she could pretend nothing happened. She stayed the whole day with Lily and Rose and came back to her apartment when the sun started to set. So she decided to read a little for Nikolas before she went to check on Remus. She didn’t want to go earlier to not have to see his friends there too.

  She lifted herself and made her way to the kitchen to see Remus arranging their little dinner table with Niko in his arms.

“ Hello, Remus. I see you are better.” She said. “ Smells wonderful in here!”

“ Hey! Yes, I am feeling better. Hope you had a good night, but I’m not sure because when I came here you were sleeping and looked like you needed the nap.”

“ And I needed it. This little guy wouldn't sleep, took me almost the whole night to make him go to sleep. He is such a daddy’s boy. He is always so good when you are around.” She said, pounting at the baby.

Remus let a full belly laugh out, which made the baby boy laugh with him.

“ SEE! You, little man, are a daddy’s boy, even thought I am the one who will sing you to sleep every night or stop everything I am doing to make all your wishes.” She said dramatically tickling the baby.

“ What can I do if I am the coolest parent? I can help but be this popular!” he joked back at her. “ But let's come to a middle ground while eat, ok?”

   They ate and talked and joked, and for the first time the both of them felt like they were 100% comfortable with each other. Like they were real friends.

   In the longest time since Remus finally made friends with the marauders, he felt like he was happy and comfortable and that he belonged. He saw himself liking the idea of having another friend, to know how it feels to go back to a family after a long night in the full moon. Having his friends was awesome, the boys were a really important part of his life, but it never brought this warm and peaceful feeling he was feeling grow more and more every time he would stay with Selene and Niko.

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