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♡︎ Frankie ♡︎

"Yes mother, I got the list. You do know I'm 19 and I live by myself now right?" I chuckle holding my phone up to my face with my shoulder while I shut my car door.

"What is that supposed to mean, dear?" She deadpans.

"It means I don't need you to make a grocery list for me, I'm quite capable of picking out foods by myself" I pat myself down making sure I have my wallet before I hit the lock button on my keys and stuffing them into the pocket of my boyfriend-jeans.

"Frankie, I've seen the junk you eat. You definitely need your mother for these types of things" she chuckles.

"Hey! I-" I stop to think for a moment, damn she's right. "Ugh fine fair enough" I sigh in defeat.

"Enjoy your shopping, dear, and please let me know when you make it back to your apartment. Call me if you need anything at all, I love you."

"Yeah yeah I'll text you when I leave, bye mom. Love you too" I wait for her to hang up before slipping my phone into my back pocket.

I walk through the parking lot, being sure to grab a shopping cart before heading inside. Thankfully I have the list my mother sent me memorized so I silently shopped with ease.

After gathering the first few things on the list I look around for the second with the fruits, I've been dying for a proper fruit salad. Usually I just grab a pack of Dole fruit cups but that just isn't cutting it for me anymore. I miss that refreshing taste of freshly cut fruit.

Not being able to find the section I was after I walk up to the nearest worker a few feet away.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell me where the fruit section is?" I ask politely, my slight british accent really peeking through.

"Sure no problem, it all the way at the end this way" he point in the opposite direction.

"Thank you so much" I smile before walking away.


"God I can't wait to relax after this" I mumble to myself as I look for a decent check out line to get on.

Thank god the line moves daily quickly, the check-out girl scans all of my items in no time. I pay as she places my bagged items into my cart and go on my merry way.

Once I load up my car, I shut the trunk and walk my cart over to side of the grocery store where all the other carts were.

Someone shouting catches my attention and I can't help but follow the sound. My eyes scanning the lot, stopping at a woman screaming at a smaller girl with light blue almost gray-ish hair.

"I've had enough of this!! I tried to go along with your weird ass fetish but this is just too far! You wanna walk around in public with a damn teddy bear?!" She shouts into the small girls face.

The smaller girl has her back to me so I can see her face but she must be crushed. I could slightly see her trembling as the woman shouted.

"I'm done with this shit! Go back to your parents house, freak!" The woman pushes the small girl making her fall on her bum before throwing something out of her car. She says one last thing to the girl then gets in the car and drives off.

As I get a little closer I can hear low sniffles and sobs, the girl holding a teddy bear to her chest tightly. My brow furrow when I notice the sparkly neon green book bag next to her. That must have been what the woman tossed out of her car.

Usually I'd mind my own business but this poor girl was stranded and people were staring and giving dirty looks.

I inch closer, crouching down in front of her. "Hey darling, are you alright?" I rasp.

Watery blue eyes gaze into mine and I feel my breath get caught in my throat. She looks like she could be around my age but that's not the reason I nearly choked. She's beautiful.

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