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♡︎ Frankie ♡︎

While Billie sleeps I decide to take all of her things out of the bags, they were taking up unnecessary space. I picked out some very cute outfits for her and cute sippy cups and other things but now that I think about it, I didn't get any clothes for if she comes out of her headspace.

She was pretty fussy at the mall so I suppose it was best to come home, maybe we can go shopping another day. I haven't really seen her outside of her headspace. I would like to know more about her, she is living with me after all..

I put all of her outfits in some drawers I emptied out to make room for her things. I'm not sure how long she'll sleep so while I have time to myself I take out some clothes and head to the bathroom to shower. As the hot water runs down my body I cant help but stress about work, where is Billie gonna go while I work? I'd feel bad leaving her with Ava every day knowing she is only comfortable around me. I might have to think about finding a stay at home job. It's not like the job I'm currently at is my dream job, actually I'm not really sure what I wanna do with my life.

Small knocks on the door pulls me from the rabbit hole of my thoughts, "come in Bil."

I close the shower curtain quickly as the door opens, peaking my head out I see the small girl rubbing the sleep from her eyes with one hand while holding her Stitch plushie in the other.

"Hey cutie, how'd you sleep?" I coo, wiping the beads of water dripping down the forehead.

She just shrugs, "can I stay?" She rasps stepping closer to the shower.

She sounds different.

I hesitantly nod, unable to find the words to speak. She walks over to the toilet, putting the top down before sitting on it.

"I'll be out in a few minutes, Bil" I say closing the curtain completely.

She doesn't respond.

I some how manage to dry off and get dressed while still standing in the tub. Once I'm done I step out and turn to face Billie, she's looks really down. Once she notices I'm standing in front of her she looks into my eyes. I give her a sympathetic smile holding my hand out for her to take. She takes it and we go back into the room, I shut the door behind us while she sits on the bed.

"What's the matter Billie?" I mutter softly sitting beside her.

She shrugs her shoulders, looking down into her lap.

"You don't have to tell me but I'm here if you ever wanna talk" I rub her back gently, she leans her head on my shoulder scooting closer into my touch.

Billie begins shaking a little, burying her face into my chest.

"Darling, talk to me" I whisper, continuing to rub her back.

She mumbles incoherently, sobs ripping through her body. On instinct I pull her onto my lap, wrapping my arms securely around her. She immediately wraps her arms around my neck holding me close.

"I have no one anymore.." she cries, "no mommy, my parents hate me.. I-" she can't even finish her sentence as another sob escapes her mouth.

"Hey hey, you have Finneas and you h-have me" I remind her.

I just hold her as she cries until she calms down some, "paci" she croaks.

Not letting go of her, I feel around the bed until I feel her pacifier. She pulls back a little from me so I can pop it in her mouth. "I know it hurts, sweetie, but you have two people who care about you very much. Maybe she wasn't the right mommy for you and I don't know much about your parents but they are missing out in taking care of the sweetest little munchkin I've ever met" I caress her tear stained cheeks.

Planting a chaste kiss to her forehead, she giggles in response before wrapping her arms around me again.


Billie and I have been laying in bed watching cartoons. After dinner all she wanted to do was be in bed, she's seems to have slipped out of her headspace again.

"Uh Frankie?" Billie whispers.

I chuckle, "you don't have to whisper darling. What's up?"

"W-where am I gonna go while you work?" She says looking up at me with her puffy blue eyes.

"Well I was gonna ask Ava to watch and hopefully I can talk to my boss about a position where I can work from home so I don't have to leave you with someone else. Is that okay?"

"Ava is really nice so yes it's okay.." she looks back to the tv before speaking again, "F-Frankie?"

"Hm?" I hum giving her my undivided attention.

"C-can I c- um.. can I be little again?"

"Of course you can Bil" I smile warmly.

She takes a few deep breaths and snuggles closer to me.

"Would you like one of your sippy cups, Bil?" I ask.

She nods curtly, looking anywhere but at me. She's so cute I just wanna hold her and never let go. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen to fill up her cup with milk. I place it in the microwave for a few seconds so it's not ice cold.

While I wait my mind offers of thinking about Billie. My heart breaks for the small girl, she has no parents and no one to call mommy. I bet that tough for her while she's in her headspace...

Maybe I could- No she's never want to. She barely knows me..

The microwave beeps, I take out her bottle and head back to the room. I get comfy in the bed and hand it to her, she immediately starts drinking her milk.

"Billie.. can I ask you something?" My heart was beating out of my damn chest and I'm not sure why, it's just a simple question.

Her blue eyes meet mine as she waits for me to open my mouth to speak again, "I know you said you don't have a mommy so I was wondering if you wanted to.. uh.."

She releases the bottle from her mouth, "Fwankie be my mommy?"

"O-only if you want to, I figured it's hard for you to not have anyone to call 'mommy' but you don't have to. I'm not really sure how it works and I know we aren't together or anything.." I trail off stopping my rambling. I probably confused this poor girl.

"Tan' call you mommy?" She questions, batting her long eyelashes.

I nod, taking my bottom lip between my teeth. She opens her mouth to speak but something on the tv catches her attention. She drinks her cup, completely forgetting we were having a conversation. I'm actually a little relieved, feeling stupid for even asking her something like that while she's little. Maybe we can talk about it some other time.

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