𝕋𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕠

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♡︎ Frankie ♡︎

We've been at the carnival for about an hour and within that time span we have gone on several rides -well Claudia sat out from the rides- and played a few of those games that you're designed to lose. I won my girl a red dinosaur plushie she was so excited she gave me light kisses all over my face.

Now we're sitting down on a bench, Claudia and I are eating funnel cake, Billie is sipping from my lemonade and Finneas is trying to convince us to go on the ferris wheel.

"Come on guys it'll be fun" he pleads, dragging out the 'n'.

"You can count me out, deathly afraid of heights" Claudia says wiping the powdered sugar off the sides of her mouth.

"I think I'm gonna pass too, but you two go have fun" I say.

"P'ease momma p'ease" Billie pokes out her bottom lip.

Kissing her pout I kindly decline, "go have fun with Finneas I'll be right here when you come back okay?"

"Otay" she sighs.

"Don't be sad Bil, they are just losers" Finneas whispers rather loudly making Billie giggle.

"Whatever doofus" Claudia playfully hits his arm.

"I'll see you in a few minutes" I plant a soft kiss to Billie's cheek.

Finneas hold her hand as they head to the ferris wheel. Once they are far enough away I let out a sigh. I've been trying so hard to keep it together but the day is slowly coming to an end.

"You okay over there?" Claudia asks.

"Why? Do I look like I'm not okay?" I ask cleaning my hands off with a napkin.

"I noticed your face back at the diner and I can tell you're not as happy as you are pretending to be" she says.

"I'm trying, I don't want her to see my upset because then she'll be upset and I just can't bare that right now. I know he's her brother but I don't want him to take her away."

"What does Billie want?"

"I think she doesn't want to choose. She might be afraid of one of us being hurt by her decision" I mumble.

"If she decides to go with him I'm sure he won't be too far away. He knows how much you care about her and he would never keep you two apart" Claudia gives me a sympathetic smile.

My eyes sting as tears fill them, I know I shouldn't get all emotional right now because I don't know when they'll be back but I can't help it. Sniffling, I wipe the stray tear that falls down my face.

"Aww Frankie, don't cry. Everything is going to work out for you guys" Claudia moves closer to me wrapping her arms around me.

Some time goes by and Claudia speaks, "I know you are having a moment but they are coming back over to us" she whispers.

She released me and I quickly wipe my face pulling myself together.

"Fwankie!" Billie squeals jumping onto my lap wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hi baby, did you have fun?" I chuckle placing my hands on her waist to keep her balanced.

She pulls back to look at me, "Yup! We went up up up all way to da clouds!"

"Wow all the way to the clouds? That's so cool baby" I smile matching her energy.

Claudia and Finneas kiss each other before he sits beside her on the bench, "so where to now?"

"Gif' shop!!" My sweet girl cheers.

"If the little cutie wants to go to the gift shop then I think that's where we need to go" Claudia says poking Billie side making her laugh.

"Alright" I tried to set Billie on her feet but she just whines. "Okay okay I'll carry you."

Putting Billie's green bookbag on her, I stand up resting her on my hip. We head to the nearest shop and Billie's eyes light up.

"Hi welcome to my gift shop, my name is Anthony if you need any help just let me know" the man in a striped button up and khakis says when we step inside.

"Thank you, we will" Finneas says.

Walking around Billie points at all the plushies in the store cheering about how she "has to have them".
Because I love to spoil my girl, I told her she could pick out five of the ones she likes the most.

Picking out an alligator, another dinosaur, a light blue bear, and two stuffed bunnies I pay for them and we head out.

"My feet are killing me, we should head back to the house" I suggest.

"Yeah I agree, mine are too" Claudia groans.

"Climb on" Finneas squats down letting Claudia get into his back. "To the car" he looks at me to which I nod.

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