[4] Worth His Time

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Church was relatively survivable. Since it was the Freecss' first service there, Killua lucked out and got to sit with them the entire sermon instead of sitting with the other kids in his age group and listening to their less-than-Christian conversations.

But, alas, the weekend ends and Monday rolls around, marking the most dreadful days of the year and the most unbearable days of the week. School and Mondays.

In their science lecture, they were changing partners. Of course the class would stick with people they're comfortable with, no or really volunteering to partner up with Gon. So, there were two volunteers to be his lab partner for the remainder of the year.

Killua raised his hand halfway before noticing Penny's hand already shot up in the air. He quickly retracted his and looked away, embarrassed. Obviously, Penny was the better, more socially secure option, despite them being neighbors and friends.

"Killua." The teacher addressed and Killua jumped. "You were raising your hand, weren't you? Why don't you partner up with Gon?"

"Oh, no, I was stretching. Er— Penny was raising her hand though." He pointed.

"Penny would you mind letting them partner?"

"I-I mean, no, it's fine. I can just stay partners Dominic, yeah?" She looked at Dominic who shrugged. "Yeah, that's fine."

"Great. You two boys will be lab partners then."

Killua sighed and picked at his left ring finger with the side of his thumbnail, wiggling his toes and biting the inside of his lip. That was the most Killua had ever talked in that class and it was an all-eyes-on-him kind of thing, so it was rather nerve wracking. But, hey, things worked out in his favor. But was it Gon's favor?

Killua spent the entire lecture fidgeting and doodling and attempting to read the sheet music his instructor gave him, while the rest of the class either texted friends or sat upright assertively, diligently listening to Mr. Farsakian's lecture.

At passing period, Gon caught up with Killua and struggle to keep up with his abnormally fast pace.

"Killua, are you okay with being lab partners with me? I know we're friends, but your not obligated to, you know."

"Huh? No, 's fine."

"You were fidgeting a lot and not paying attention. You looked like you had a lot on your mind. Are you sure?"

"Yeah, yeah— I mean, do you want to be lab partners? I do, but...you know, it's up to you."

"Of course I do! You're fun, Killua! Most of the kids here are exact replicas of their parents. Mindless drones. You've actually got a personality." He nudged. "Stop doubting yourself so much. You're cool."

"Mhm." Killua nodded, eyes on the floor as he kept walking.

"Geez, he walks fast.." Gon mumbled as he jogged to catch up again.

Around lunch, Killua completely ignored the obnoxious voice trailing him and growing louder as he made his way to the library, where an especially comfortable corner sat in waiting for him.

He grumbled and finally came to a stop when said obnoxious voice wouldn't stop. He turned around to face the taller.

"Killua. Didn't see you at youth services." The tall brunette known as Dominic grinned.

"Busy." He glared. "Can I go?"

"Nah. Just wanted to hang out with my dear ol' pal. Can't I do that?"

"No. Obviously not." Killua scoffed, attempting to walk away.

"Killua, hey! Do you wanna eat lunch together again? I mean, I didn't know where you were the other days, so this would be the first time we actually— I feel like this conversation should be continued later. Hi, Dominic..?" Gon slowed his fast speech and awkwardly waved to the obnoxious student behind Killua.

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