Chapter 21: Change

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"Nooo not the matching outfits!!" I burst out laughing and groaning at the same time. BB searched through the racks of the Gucci store as Aura and I sat and watched. We'd been shopping for birthday outfits for the kids for the last 2 hours with no success.

"I think we will be cute!!" She coo'd as she held up a tan double G printed polo style dress with pleats.

"Indy-Pooh, you like this?" BB asked as she held the dress in front of her. Aura looked up and stale faced her. "What's wrong poohbear?"

"It's not givin'......
PRINCESS"she replied putting emphasis and a lot of attitude behind princess. BB's jaw dropped as I chuckled at her response.

We were about a week away from her birthday and it felt like the closer we got to the day, the more mature she became. I honestly regret the decisions I made when I had her. I shouldn't have rushed into starting my business right after. I should have took Maurice's offer and just let him be the sole provider for a year or two while I took care of the kids.

I just had to prove to everybody and myself that I could do it, I could be successful on my own. In return, I lost a lot of. Quality time with my baby that I can never get back. Don't get me wrong. She has had a great start at life and she gets love from everyone. But, she is little miss INDEPENDENT and doesn't need me as much as I think she should right now.

Sometimes I wonder if I wasn't so stubborn and afraid would life be any different...

There is nothing that can be done right now about the past. All I can do now is make some necessary changes for the future.

My club is doing well and I'm confident enough to take a step back entirely. I want to be a mother for a while.

I have a ran this idea by anyone except Q and he thinks it's a great idea.. I really just think he agrees with me so he can have more access to me. I like him a lot but I do t want anything serious right now. I only tell him these thinks because he is a great soundboard. I like how he thinks and his opinions are always well thought out. Plus he has no financial gain in the matter.

After an hour of shopping, Aura became cranky and hungry so we decided to hit up an in and out burger on the strip. The Vegas weather was perfect as usual so we decided to eat outside.

"Have you decided on our destination for this birthday trip?" I asked dipping 2 fried in my barbecue sauce.

"Maybe.." BB replied in a sarcastic tone. " it would be helpful if the parents were more involved."

" You know parties aren't my thing"I shrugged.

"For someone who owns a club you aren't festive at all." She added smacking her lips.

"I been hearing stuff like that a lot lately" I signed. "Maybe I shouldn't own a club.."

"Babe I was just playin'" she added. "What do you mean by that?"

"Owning a club is not as great as I would like it to be." I confessed. " I used to have fun when it was all of us together. Now it's an issue every time I step foot in there and I'm over it. I loved the idea of having the club in the beginning. It was everything! But, the vibe when I walk in now is just shitty."

"Is this about my brother?" BB asked with her face in a million frowns.

I shook my head no but that was only half of the truth. It wasn't all about him at all but this club was something I got with his help and even though it's mine. He is a silent partner in it and has access to it all the time.

"No" I reply gazing off. "I just want something that's solely mine."
"But it is yours..." she replied in a duhh tone.

"Just forget it.." I say as I force a fake smile trying to ease her.

"Letting your dreams go won't change a thing. Your stuck with him for at least 17 years!"

"I - " I began to speak but was cut off by my a text notification.

♠️: hey beautiful

I did not notice I began to blush and bit my bottom lip. I had not seen him in over a week due to him being in New York for work.

♠️: how was your day?

Me: Its fine  . How was yours

♠️: Hectic! But I know it's gone get better
       wen I see u 2nite.

Me: Aww yay, your back!!!

♠️: not yet sweetheart but I'm on my way....

"Now who you textin?!" BB asked leaning across the table to look at my phone. "Spade??? Since when you start playing cards and why you blushin?!!"

"It's nobody important." I smile at her locking my phone screen and placing my phone in my crossbody that sat to the left of me.

"Aura tell yo mommy she a ball face ass lie!"

Aura looked up from her chicken tenders with wide eyes. "No TT I can't say that bad words!"

We both chuckle as Aura went back to eating her food. I was pleased to know that my child recognized a setup when she saw one. Even though she wouldn't have been in trouble. I would have had to have a long conversation about letting people make her do bad things.

I stick my tongue at at BB and she rolled her eyes. After finishing our lunch we went to the club to hang out a couple hours before it was time to open.

Being there with Aura and BB made my hunger for change so much worse. We ran from the top floor to the Bottom playing hide-n-seek, had a dance battle to some Disney music and even played pretend restaurant at the bar.

I never had the opportunity to bond with my baby girl within these walls; besides watching movies in the office, I never knew I could. After opening this, it never seemed like a place I wanted my kids to experience at a young age and it stressed me out. I want a business that I could enjoy with my children and not worry about them Growing up to fast.

I had a lot to think about and was glad that Q was stopping by so I could talk to him about it. He's the only One- Besides BB now- that knows about my reservations about the club. He even offered to connect me with the right people so that I could get all my moneys worth.

I did not only own the club, I have a trademark that protects the name Aura from being used in over 50 industries unless someone cuts me a check. And thanks to my child's father, I- we own the the property as well and it was recently appraised for $60 million.

Q explained to me how I could get out of this business and any obligations without Maurice knowing anything about it. I never told actually told Q who my business partner was, I always referred to him as someone I knew from school. He didn't need to know everything and I'm not sure Maurice knows about him either.

That have not crossed paths in my office, THANK GOD!! Maurice has been on an overseas tour so I have not seen him in a month or two. I know that my friendship with Q will soon surface but I needed to put it off as long as I could. At least until Q got me out of these contracts and I have a 7 figure check in my hand with Maurice's name on it.

He might be mad as he'll that I went behind his back and did all of this but I need out! And I need to cut all extra ties with him so that I can live my life. Besides, there is no way he will turn down a 7 figure check.

Once this birthday is over I'm moving forward with my plans to sell the club and franchise the name and the only connection I'll have with Maurice is the kids. That's how it always should have been. I have not made anything official with Q and we are still technically friends. But, I do see myself building something with him. His sweet, goes above and beyond with out me even asking and most of all he's honest. I can't say what the future holds for us right now but time will tell.

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