Chapter 9: "Only The Family' Reunion p. 2

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Nala Karrington


"Aye Nia!" Tyga called.
"It's Nala..." I spat.
"Damn right" he scratched his head. "You know I can't remember shit. You wanna dance?"
"Get my name right first and maybe I'll think about it." I replied rolling my eyes and left the DJ booth. I didn't see my brother or BB anymore. I figured they dipped off somewhere. I was about to head up to the next level when someone grabbed my hand and pulled me into the corner. When I noticed who it was my face instantly turned to stone.

"Boy what the fuck you want?!"

"Why you gotta be soo damn extra girl?!' Banks said defensively as he looked around.

"Oh you nervous?" I asked amused, he squinted at me and leaned in.

"Bro ain't nobody scared of you nigga" He licked his lips. "I'm tryna see aint nobody watchin for you benefit."

"Oh is that right?" I asked hypothetically as I pushed him off of me. "What do you want, I have a business to run."

"I ain't gone hold you shorty" he smiled. "I just wanted to check on you and make sure your mental right. "

"YES our son is fine thanks for asking!" I rolled my eyes and  attempted to walk off but he blocked my way. "Is there something I can help you with? If not, I need to go!"

I could see something was on his mind but he didn't saw anything. "I saw yo family in here...."

"Yea my brother is here" I added. "So what?"

"I wasn't talking about him but ok.."

"Well he the only family I got in here so I don't know who you are referring to." He bit his bottom lip nervously. "If you got something to say just say the shit, stop acting like a lil bitch."

I see his face turn from nervous to ice cold. He hated for a women to get buck at him and right now I began to hit a nerve that was all too familiar to me.

"Fuck it.." he hissed and walked away.

I shook that little altercation off and walked away; I never saw him as nervous as he was. But it wasn't my business to figure out what was wrong either. That ship has sailed and he deserves whatever he had coming to him.  It was not the time for me to be nice to someone that has hurt me since the day I met him.

I reached in my back pocket to grab my phone and remembered that I laid it on my desk earlier in the day. As I made it up to my office I notice that my door was slightly closed. I honestly didn't remember if I left it closed or open so I didn't think to much of it. I walked in and went straight to my desk and saw it lying at the edge. I picked it up and started to go through it. I had a bunch of calls from an unknown number and a couple texts from Brittney asking where I was. I text her back letting her know that I was back in my office. 

As I turned around to leave I was startled when I looked up and saw my mother leaning against the wall next to the door.  I don't even remember walking past her, I really need to start watching my surroundings, that's how shit happens. I examined her, she wore a skin tight brown maxi dress that blended perfectly with her skin. Her hair was in loose curls and she how on some flats which was out of the ordinary for her. She was always a 6 inches or more type of bitch.

"Can I help you?" I asked dryly.

"I just wanted to come see how well you were doing.." she asked pushing off the wall and standing up straight. There was something different about her but I couldn't pinpoint it. , But I didn't look at her directly to find out either.

"I'm doing well thank you" I added sighing. "You can leave my office now."
" you not still mad a about the little incident that happen a couple years ago are you?"

"There is nothing to be mad about." I smiled devilishly at her. "My life is good."

Of fucking course I was still pissed at her, but I would never give her the satisfaction of knowing that. Fuck this bitch!

"hmmph" she turned to the side slightly and began to rub her belly and that's when I noticed it. The bump, she was pregnant. I couldn't believe god was allowing her to bring another dam child into this world. Why would he even do that to that baby. She doesn't even deserve to still be fertile. When she caught me looking she smiled and made it even more obvious. "Well, aren't you going to congratulate me?"

"Congratulations" I faked a smile, "I hope that child's father is a good man, otherwise it's FUCKED!"

"Oh I did it right this time" she smiled back. "We will be well taken care of and I don't have to lift a finger."

"Well Kudos to you.." I added dryly and began to walk out my office as she followed me.

I made it to the middle of my VIP area when Banks walked in.

"Look shorty we need to talk forreal!" He added looking at me stopping in his tracks as he notice Bernice walking behind me.

"OMG It must be ruin Nala's fuckin Life day, cause wtf!" I threw my hands up in disbelief.  The two motherfuckers I never wanted to see again was officially stalking me in my own club.

"Hey Babe!" Bernice greeted with enthusiasm as she brushed pass me and walked over to Banks and kissed his jaw. He stood there with his big ass eyes as wide as the could be. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he looked over at her and back at me.

I just stood there looking at them, it took me a while to officially process what I was seeing in front of me and once I realized what I was looking at, my stomach formed a bunch of knots. I wanted to break down right then and there but I would never let them have that. I tried my best to keep my composure but my blood began to boil.


I began to pace the floor a little bit trying to keep my cool as  Bernice stood there amused and Banks stood there with a stupid ass look on his face.

"Nala  I- " he began to explain but I cut him off.


"I don't see what your mad about?" Bernice interjected.

"B-BERNICE!!" I stuttered, "Shut the fuck up!! You did this shit on purpose! Your sick as hell!"

"pUrPoSe" she mimicked me. "Honey I was been fuckin him since you introduced him."

Her words stung because I could feel they were true. She talked down to me about him but I could see the way she looked at him. I wanted to break down and cry right there.

"You are soo fucked up" I shook my head. "You wanted to be me that damn bad that you went and got pregnant by my child's father. I know you were a dirty bitch but I didn't think you were this dirty. " 

"What the fuck is  going on?!" We heard call from the door. I looked over and saw my brother and BB standing there listening.

"Say hi to your new siblings parents Dave" I beamed and began to walk toward the door. "I'm through with this shit for tonight!!! I can't fuckin' deal"

BB tried grabbing my arm but I snatched a way and kept walking, I could hear the screaming as I walked down the stairs and I began to jog away from it... Soon I began to run. It's like all the past problems in my life have come full circle now and there was nothing I could do to escape it. Who would have thought the two people that I vowed to never let hurt me again were hurting me AGAIN.....

My sons sibling is going to be his fucking Uncle or Aunt.....
I needed to clear my head.

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