It's been a month since the day Sonic's and Mephiles' parents planned their marriage. The two hedgehog did try their best to execute their plan. Sonic struggled to get Shadow to fall in love with him while Mephiles struggled to get someone to love him without Silver nagging him.
The two decided to meet up at their college's library. They both sat down at an empty table with two armchairs. They told their servants to wait somewhere else as long as they get the privacy they needed.
"I'm so hopeless right now..." Sonic buried his face on the book he placed on the table.
"Same here, I actually need Silver's approval more if I want to have a significant other" Mephiles leaned back.
"How could you even let your maid do that?" The blue hedgehog titled his head questioningly at him.
"I uh...I don't know, that's just how it works between us" the paler one shrugged.
They were quiet for a while. Sonic leaned on the table while lazily reading his book, Mephiles did the same but he was leaning back on the chair.
"Do you think we should just give up?" Sonic suddenly spoke and surprised the other.
"Don't say that, we have our plan B" Mephiles stated.
"Running away? I'm too scared to actually do that..."
"Then do you actually want to tie the knot with me?"
"I don't want that either" Sonic groaned and facepalmed.
"Look" Mephiles sighed and closed his book, "we still have time, graduation is still two years away. I'm sure we both can escape our parents' plan before that" he encouraged.
Sonic stared at him for a moment before turning his gaze away to the large window.
"I start to think that maybe Shadow and I are just not meant to be...maybe I should look for other guys to be with"
That caught Mephiles in a surprise. He leaned forward and stared at his friend in disbelief.
"But Sonic you love him the most"
"Yes, but it's so hard to get him to notice my true feelings!" Sonic cried.
"You could always just confess, some mobians are just too clueless about this kind of thing and it's best to just tell it straight to them" Mephiles advised.
"Ugh, wish it were that easy" Sonic rested his head to the table, "what about you and your problem with Silver? You're never gonna hit on someone if he keeps getting in the way.."
Mephiles rolled his eyes and sighed, "I know that, but sometimes he made a lot of points in our arguments and I kept losing..."
Sonic sat up and wipe the little tears on his eyes, "that settles it, I'm gonna try and find someone else. I will try to move on from this one-sided love" he stated.
"Well if you made up your mind to do that then good luck" the other said.
Meanwhile, at the same time their conversation were going, Silver and Shadow were hanging out at a gazebo just outside of the library.
"Can you believe how many boys and girls my master tried to get close this past month? Some of them almost won his heart!" Silver complained.
"Why is that a bad thing? Is it because he's supposed to marry my master as according to his parents' wish?" Shadow blankly asked.
"Shadow I already told you, I love my master! I would literally kill to have him all to myself" the maid growled, "I'm glad that your master and my master doesn't want to be together and that wedding is probably going to get sabotaged, but the fact that he is trying to get other girlfriend or boyfriend is driving me crazy!"
"Calm down, we're outside" Shadow hold his shoulders down as the other breathe slowly in frustration.
"Your master...maybe he just really want to find someone who he can be happy with in his life" Shadow said, "don't you think he deserves to be happy? Wouldn't that make you be in the way of his happiness?"
Silver was a bit shocked as he heard Shadow said that to him. He started to ponder his words and gazed down while lowering his ears.
"I didn't think of that..." he mumbled, "even though I want him to be mine...I never thought he might not actually be happy with me"
"Sorry, Silver" Shadow sighed and rubbed his back gently, "we're servants, it's our job to serve our masters and make them happy" he smiled.
"You're right. I almost completely forgot who I am, I'm just a maid organizing schedules for my master" he chuckled, "I wouldn't stand a chance with the others" he smiled at the bodyguard.
"I apologize to say this to you, but yes, that's who you really are" he said and pulled his hand back.
"Gosh, I got slapped back into reality just with your words" Silver groaned, "my love for him must be so hypnotizing"
Shadow laughed at the statement, "that's some powerful emotion"
"What about you and your master? Have you got any problems with him recently?" The albino maid asked.
"I wouldn't say it's a problem...but he's gotten so close to me all of a sudden"
Silver's ears perked up and he stared at him curiously.
"Close? You mean like, close in personal space or...?"
"Yes, that. It's weird because he doesn't usually do that" the bodyguard said worryingly.
"He's also always seem to be sick, his face often gets red and he'd burn up everytime I put my hand on his forehead, and sometimes he would ask me to sleep next to him! Can you believe it? I know servants aren't allowed to be THAT close but it was his order and I have no choice" Shadow complained and facepalmed.
Silver, on the other hand, felt like he wanted to punch Shadow in the face as hard as he could.
"Are you that blunt? Are you stupid? You're a bodyguard, how are you this dumb?"
"He. Likes. You." Silver emphasized every word to him.
Shadow didn't have any reaction, he blinked then tilted his head to the side.
"YOUR MASTER HAS A CRUSH-" Silver suddenly stopped himself and he exhale to calm himself down, "your master has a freaking crush on you"
Shadow widen his eyes in surprise, "no way" he denied.
"I am telling you, those are signs that he wants you to notice that he likes you! Trust me, I know that feeling!" Silver stated.
"But- but I'm just a servant! How can someone like my own master have feelings for a low servant like me?"
"I don't know! figure that out yourself, stupid!" Silver scolded him and slapped his arm.
"Wow, for a maid you're really...bitchy"
"Shut up, I'm only bitchy when I'm near a stupid mobian"
"So your master is stupid?"
"Watch your mouth, bodyguard" the maid glared as if he was about to stab Shadow right at that moment.
"Hmph" Shadow crossed his arm over his chest, "anyway, are you actually going to stop bothering your master now?"
"I will try my best on that" Silver said, "who knows, maybe there is actually someone out there who deserves to be with my master" he gazed at the library.

The Master's Problems
FanfictionSonic is a student in a very prestigious college. The place where it can only be applied by rich and powerful young adults. In his college it is optional to bring a servant and Sonic brought his with him. Though, that doesn't mean it'd help him with...