(1) No Promise

888 20 19

TWs: Homophobia, Swearing, F-Slur, Running Away, Abuse, Attempts of Conversion Therapy, Mentions of depression, Sexual Assault (doesn't go into much detail)

Ranboo POV:

'A Life full of promise' is what may father told me, he told me that I had promise and potential to do well in my future.

He said that mere days before he and my mother kicked me out of the house at the young age of twelve.

Why? You may ask. Why? Because of something I couldn't control and to this day I can't.

I came out to my parents when I was twelve and after they told me I was going to hell and called me a faggot, they kicked me out and I was left on the street, homeless.

Until someone found me and took me in, which started a whole string of foster homes, each one eventually kicking me out for certain reasons, whether it was the fact that I was gay, or my appearance, they all kicked me out when they realised I wasn't perfect.

And I knew this one was just going to be the same.

I was fifteen now, I have been in the foster system for three years and I was done with it. The constant moving, hate and abuse I got, I was done with it. But my social worker, Puffy, thought that this one would be the one.

From what I got from Puffy about the foster family they seemed fine. Apparently they already know that I am gay and they are fine with it, apparently it is an older couple and they have one kid already called Nick.

"Ranboo, Ranboo!" I hear Puffy repeat from the driver's seat, we were currently on our way to the house, I snap out of my thoughts quickly and look over to Puffy to see her smiling at me but still keeping her eyes on the road.

"Yes, Puffy?" I ask.

"I want you to try, okay" I knew what this meant. Puffy knew about how bad my mental health had gotten over the past couple of years. The drop in my mental health meant I started to rebel at the foster homes, so I guess that's another reason why I continued to get kicked out of places.

"I know Puffy, but if they end up being bad, I want you to come and get me" I answer her and she nods in understanding.

"Obviously I will, I do care about you at the end of the day, you have my phone number on your phone for a reason". Puffy brought me a phone last year for my birthday as a gift. Really, she was the only nice person I know.


It took about half an hour before we reached the house. From the outside the place looked nice enough, especially for a foster home. We exited the car and started to walk up to the front door, but before e could even reach the door to knock. It opened to reveal a couple, obviously in their fourties, maybe even fiftys, smiling happily at the sight of me. I could tell it was fake.

That just made my nerves go up.

We entered the house to reveal the sight of many religious items.

That's not a good sign.

I look around the, what I could only assume, living room until I was met face to face with another teenager.

"Hey, I'm Nick but you can call me Sapnap" Nick, or Sapnap I guess, spoke with a smile, also fake.

"Hi, I'm Ranboo, its nice to meet you" I greet him with a handshake before I hear the front door close. I look at where the front door is to see the couple smiling at me for a second before walking over to me.

"So, Ranboo, hand me your phone" The woman demands. I reluctantly gave her my phone to make sure nothing bad happens.

Well i'm screwed if things go haywire in here.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now