(10) Karen at the Bakery

499 13 16

TWs: Homophobia, Slur

Ranboo POV:

Journal Entry No.98:

Life is certainly on the up for me, at least for now.

I did end up going to the doctors to get medication, now I have to take an antidepressant everyday and it is not pleasant but it helps so I can't really complain.

I've been going to the local bakery frequently to see Niki. We are becoming good friends, which I'm happy about because she is very nice. I even met some of her friends. One of them is called Callum but he goes by the name CPK, which confused me but I didn't question. The other one is called Eret, they were really cool and great fun to hang out with and they work with Niki. Apparently the three of them are best friends with Wilbur, so that answers where he went off to every night when everything was going on.

I hope everything continues to go well in my life but we shall see.

I closed my journal and placed it down on my bedside table before leaving my bedroom. It was currently 9am and everyone was still asleep so I thought I would go to the bakery to see my friends.

After grabbing the keys to the house to unlock the door, I started on my walk to the bakery.


I entered the bakery, immediately spotting Eret behind the counter talking to a customer and Callum sitting at one of the few tables in the place.

"Oh, hi Ranboo" Eret waved and smiled at me as she finished with the customer. I waved and smiled back and grabbed a seat next to Callum, who was looking down at his phone.

"Hello guys" I respond, making Callum look up from his phone and smile at me. "Is Niki in?" I ask the two of them and Eret gives me a quick nod followed by a point to the back of the bakery.

I get out of the seat and head into the kitchen, something I was allowed to do because of my friendship with Niki. The door to Niki's small office was closed so I knocked on it a few times before hearing a quick "come in" to indicate I could enter.

Entering the cramped office space I saw Niki using her laptop, probably writing up profits or something. She quickly looked up from it though and gave me the biggest smile she could muster.

"Nice to see you Ranboo!" She exclaimed clearly very happy to see me even though we only last saw each other a couple of days before.

"Nice to see you aswell Niki" I reply as I sit down in a uncomfortable chair.


We talked to each other for a little while until she had to leave her office room so I obviously went with her.

I sat back down with Callum as Niki and Eret talked to each other whilst there was no customers for them to handle, but it only lasted a few minutes before there was a customer coming through the door.

I looked over at the customer, it was a woman, clearly late 40s maybe early 50s, blonde hair and clearly someone that you could upset very easily as her face turned to disgust as she set her eyes on Eret.

Here we go.

"Welcome, what can I get you today?" Eret asked the woman, cheery as always but thats going to change i'm sure.

"A different empolyee" The woman shot back, Eret's smile disappearing as the realisation sits in.

I hadnt really payed attention to what Eret was wearing today as it wasn't important but now I notice that Eret was wearing a skirt today. Thats probably what set the woman off.

A Life full of Promise - Ranboo Adoption AUWhere stories live. Discover now